In certain cultures it is frowned upon to stand out from the crowd.
However, if market leadership is your quest as a luxury real estate marketing professional, blending in like a chameleon does to camouflage itself is simply not an option.
At a time when competition for attention is escalating, especially online, developing a highly distinguishable, consistent personal or company brand is now an imperative.
Changing your colors to please others, to blend in or to avoid the pursuit of your competition is the antithesis of establishing your brand position and sticking with it steadfastly.
Many agents and companies fall into the "chameleon trap" because they simply do not want to make waves.
But, if you have the heart of a champion, the heart of an achiever, making waves and creating news is what you live for.
In defense of the chameleon and chameleon-like behavior it is important to note that there is more to the color changing story.
Recent research asserts that social signaling, such as attracting a mate, was the major driving force behind the evolution of color change.
Blending in for camouflage developed as a secondary survival skill.
Therefore, changing your colors to attract more of your ideal clients in the process of luxury real estate marketing can be a good thing.
The key is to display your authentic colors decisively and consistently.
The chameleon trap that we warn you to avoid is really the people pleaser trap.
Change is good providing you please yourself in the process.
However, if market leadership is your quest as a luxury real estate marketing professional, blending in like a chameleon does to camouflage itself is simply not an option.
At a time when competition for attention is escalating, especially online, developing a highly distinguishable, consistent personal or company brand is now an imperative.
Changing your colors to please others, to blend in or to avoid the pursuit of your competition is the antithesis of establishing your brand position and sticking with it steadfastly.
Many agents and companies fall into the "chameleon trap" because they simply do not want to make waves.
But, if you have the heart of a champion, the heart of an achiever, making waves and creating news is what you live for.
In defense of the chameleon and chameleon-like behavior it is important to note that there is more to the color changing story.
Recent research asserts that social signaling, such as attracting a mate, was the major driving force behind the evolution of color change.
Blending in for camouflage developed as a secondary survival skill.
Therefore, changing your colors to attract more of your ideal clients in the process of luxury real estate marketing can be a good thing.
The key is to display your authentic colors decisively and consistently.
The chameleon trap that we warn you to avoid is really the people pleaser trap.
Change is good providing you please yourself in the process.