Business & Finance Economics

The Secret to Rebuilding Faith in the United States Economy

Now that I have your attention let's get serious about what you can do to help rebuild faith in our economy.
Most people reading this are looking for a solution to this ever growing problem.
The first thing we should be asking is "How did we get into this mess in the first place?" Then, and only then can we hope to solve, or at least, gain a better understanding of what's possible to fix the mistakes made.
As an entrepreneur, I have enjoyed numerous successful careers in diversified industries including Automotive Engineering, Marine/Boating, Health & Fitness, Environmental Services, Residential Building, Self Improvement, and now publishing.
One major component all of these areas have in common is they require a significant amount of writing.
They also require a broad range of knowledge, but more importantly, a strategic methodology to get points across to diverse audiences.
I learned about strategy while serving in the United States Marine Corps, and to this day I still implement a lot of what I learned as a Marine into every business venture.
Although the industries I was involved in changed, the basic strategic format for each is the same.
It's always based upon team work and a burning desire to make a difference, while helping others to achieve their goals at the same time.
If you every worked for a small business with the same philosophy then you understand where I'm coming from.
The core of the economy in this country is only as strong as its people and the small businesses they support.
The larger corporations have done more to hurt this valuable mix than they realize.
We are learning more everyday about how corrupt and mismanaged many of the huge corporations are.
Our economy has been on a downward slide for quite some time, and we are now seeing the results of what a "greedy" Corporate America has perpetuated.
I believe the solution is to reinstate the core values of what mainstream America knows is a winning combination; people helping other people to be a success.
There is nothing stronger than people working hand and hand to support one other.
This has always been true in the small businesses that give mainstream America the opportunity for not only employment, but an opportunity to share their knowledge for the benefit of all.
When the people's importance is put before the greed of huge corporate profit and executive bonuses, we feel a greater desire to share with one another.
Whenever there is a crisis, people come together to assist one another in a way only an open heart can achieve.
If you take the time to research very successful small businesses, you will find most operate based upon strong personal values.
Certainly profit is important, but only to fulfill the needs of the people working in the business, and to guarantee they will have a place to make a decent living in the future.
I've found most very successful small businesses also share an open heart philosophy.
If we could get back to focusing on bringing people and small businesses together, with the same philosophy of helping one another, we may have a chance.
I believe the little guy will see the positive effects sooner than relying on government subsidy.
I can only hope that I am doing my small share in giving back to everyone for what I have enjoyed over the years.
If we can all work together and assist one another in any way possible, it will help to turn the economy around and return the faith we once had in one another.
Whether you are operating a small business, working for a small business or retired, you all have something to share.
Your experiences in life and the knowledge you have achieved is of great value to others.
Whether you simply want to share a story of interest or market a product (or yourself) the tools are now available to you.
You will be surprised at how many new friends you make and the ripple effect you have on humanity.
At least it's something to think about.
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