Health & Medical Medicine

Acne Treatment- Cutting Down On Milk May Help

Which food may cause acne, or make it worse? Those who suffer from acne blame chips, chocolates, oily food and many such things that they believe may be causing acne. In the quest to cure acne faster and prevent it, medical science is looking at all the possible causes and treatments. In this respect various foods are getting examined and doctors are trying to find out if food has any connection with acne formation. Recently milk has been found to be a possible culprit. Let us find out more.

Acne treatment- possible causes of acne

Acne formation depends on stress. Genetics may have a definite role in acne formation. Why a teenager has got face full of spots, while other gets none. These are the mysteries of human body. Both teens produce hormones and both are at the age when most of the teenagers should expect acne. But some of them don't get any. Some of them not only get acne in adolescence but keep on getting it as they grow up.

Acne & Food

Many people believe that chocolates make acne worse. Others believe that oily food will cause oily skin and make them more susceptible to acne. There may be a connection between eating a particular food and getting acne. But science has yet to come to a conclusion about it. That does not mean that your acne may not be occurring by a particular food. Science has not solved all the mysteries and many of grandma's recipes work for no scientific reason. It is for you to make a chart of food and acne. Whenever you get a flare up, try to find out if you had eaten any particular food. If this match continues, avoid that food.

Acne and milk-

Recent research suggests that milk may be a possible culprit. The hormones in the milk make teenagers more susceptible to acne. If you are a regular user of milk, you need to discuss the milk and acne connection with your doctor. Milk is necessary for healthy growth of a teenager, so it cannot be removed from the list of foods so easily. Discuss the pros and cons of milk and make a considered decision about milk and acne.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
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