Updated December 16, 2014.
Stability running shoes offer a nice combination of cushioning, support and durability. The majority of running shoes on the market fall into a stability shoe style. Buy these shoes if you are of average weight, have normal arches (neither too high nor too low), don't have any severe pronation or supination issues, but do want good support and durability.
Stability shoes allow a bit more flex than a motion control shoe and are a bit stiffer than a neutral shoe. The stability of the shoe comes from a stiff medial post that prevents over-pronation of the foot.
Also see: Top Cushioned Running Shoes
Asics gets top marks year after year from runners who want a lightweight shoe with good cushion and enough stability for mild over-pronation. The uppers provide a snug, comfortable fit with a combination of mesh and synthetic leather and a well-padded collar and tongue. The asymmetrical lacing, which is showing up on more and more shoes, provides another nice feature.More »
I see more and more Supernovas on my local running path than any other shoe. There must be a good reason for their popularity. The Supernova is a great all-around trainer for most foot types. It has every necessary feature a stability shoe needs -- it looks great, and the price point fits for most budgets.More »
The best-selling Brooks Adrenaline GTS series is the perfect combination of style, comfort and medial stability. Each version of the shoe adds some nice new features, but Brooks keeps the heart and "sole" of the shoes the same. This shoe is a great training shoe and has the right amount of durability, stability and cushioning to endure miles of varied terrain. More »
The engineering behind the entire line of Mizuno Wave shoes is designed to reduce and redirect the impact forces of running away from your foot with every step. The maker liken the shoe to a car’s suspension - "offering cushioning and keeping your foot centered in your shoe throughout your stride." The Elixir is my favorite Mizuno stability shoe, but if price were no object, I might opt for the Mizuno Wave Nirvana.More »
Another popular training shoe from Saucony, the ProGrid line offers more cushioning in the midfoot without giving up weight and speed. The fit is just what you'd expect from a performance training shoe.More »
One of the lighter stability shoes on the market, the LunarGlide feels like a minimal shoe when you first pick it up. However, it provides just enough support and stability to keep your midfoot from rolling, and just enough cushion to take up road shock. It's a nice overall trainer, but I recommend you try this one before you buy. I had fit issues and found my foot tending to slide forward. Also, my foot didn't stay put as much as I need in a running shoe.More »
Stability running shoes offer a nice combination of cushioning, support and durability. The majority of running shoes on the market fall into a stability shoe style. Buy these shoes if you are of average weight, have normal arches (neither too high nor too low), don't have any severe pronation or supination issues, but do want good support and durability.
Stability shoes allow a bit more flex than a motion control shoe and are a bit stiffer than a neutral shoe. The stability of the shoe comes from a stiff medial post that prevents over-pronation of the foot.
Also see: Top Cushioned Running Shoes
1. Asics Gel Kayano
Asics gets top marks year after year from runners who want a lightweight shoe with good cushion and enough stability for mild over-pronation. The uppers provide a snug, comfortable fit with a combination of mesh and synthetic leather and a well-padded collar and tongue. The asymmetrical lacing, which is showing up on more and more shoes, provides another nice feature.More »
2. Adidas Supernova
I see more and more Supernovas on my local running path than any other shoe. There must be a good reason for their popularity. The Supernova is a great all-around trainer for most foot types. It has every necessary feature a stability shoe needs -- it looks great, and the price point fits for most budgets.More »
3. Brooks Adrenaline GTS
The best-selling Brooks Adrenaline GTS series is the perfect combination of style, comfort and medial stability. Each version of the shoe adds some nice new features, but Brooks keeps the heart and "sole" of the shoes the same. This shoe is a great training shoe and has the right amount of durability, stability and cushioning to endure miles of varied terrain. More »
4. Mizuno Wave Elixir
The engineering behind the entire line of Mizuno Wave shoes is designed to reduce and redirect the impact forces of running away from your foot with every step. The maker liken the shoe to a car’s suspension - "offering cushioning and keeping your foot centered in your shoe throughout your stride." The Elixir is my favorite Mizuno stability shoe, but if price were no object, I might opt for the Mizuno Wave Nirvana.More »
5. Saucony ProGrid Hurricane
Another popular training shoe from Saucony, the ProGrid line offers more cushioning in the midfoot without giving up weight and speed. The fit is just what you'd expect from a performance training shoe.More »
6. Nike LunarGlide
One of the lighter stability shoes on the market, the LunarGlide feels like a minimal shoe when you first pick it up. However, it provides just enough support and stability to keep your midfoot from rolling, and just enough cushion to take up road shock. It's a nice overall trainer, but I recommend you try this one before you buy. I had fit issues and found my foot tending to slide forward. Also, my foot didn't stay put as much as I need in a running shoe.More »