So what am I talking about here? I am a White Rock Chiropractor talking about a problem that is all too common in the population. Self-induced neck cracking is when an individual literally takes their own head in their hands and attempts to €snap€ their neck. I was driving down the road a few months ago and observed a young man standing at a bus stop. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He was grabbing his lower jaw and his head and violently trying to self manipulate. I almost ran into the car in front of me!
This is not an uncommon sight. Some of you reading this do it. Your have certainly seen family or friends attempt it as well. Most often we see athletes, kids and adolescents (more often boys), and people that have been involved in traumatic injuries affecting their necks, €cracking€ their necks.
People do it because they feel discomfort in their necks. They feel they have a kink or have lost range of motion. The process of S.I.N.C. (Self-Induced Neck Cracking) may actually give them some temporary relief. This relief comes at a price though. It doesn't fix the problem! Often these individuals have ligament problems in the upper neck. Stretched or torn ligaments are not that uncommon in the upper neck region. The problem with S.I.N.C. is the €weakest link€ in your neck will give way providing an improving range of motion, sometimes less discomfort, further stress in the weak ligament and greater dependency on S.I.N.C. Another addition may actually be created here.
This problem is not a joke. Nor is it funny to watch somebody do this. The upper neck is a very sensitive area and can cause a lot of pain and suffering if it does not receive proper treatment. The use of the Bio-Flex Cold Laser can be very helpful in treating this problem.
The Bio-Flex can help by reducing the inflammation in these joints. It can help stabilize the joint by helping to create collagen fibers. The improvement in blood flow helps to bring nutrition into the area and remove toxins (inflammatory metabolites). Ligaments have a poor blood supply and are usually quite damaged with this problem. The Laser will stimulate that much needed blood supply. The Laser can also modify the pain by stimulating the production of endorphins.
If you ever go to a professional baseball game, watch the batter. Often you will see him literally bend his neck from right to leftand left to right, creating a snapping sound. I remember watching a well known pro-ball player do this at a game! I was appalled!
Folks this is not therapy. You need to see a Chiropractic Doctor to determine the nature of your problem and get a diagnosis. You need to get proper treatment of your neck. You need to stop cracking your own neck.
I always ask patients if they crack their own neck or sleep on their stomachs. If they do either or both we will never be able to align their necks and hold them into position. So if you know of anyone attempting S.I.N.C. get them to see their family Chiropractic Doctor. You will be doing them a big favour. I am a White Rock Chiropractor who endorses the usage of the Bio-Flex Cold Laser System in treating this problem.
This is not an uncommon sight. Some of you reading this do it. Your have certainly seen family or friends attempt it as well. Most often we see athletes, kids and adolescents (more often boys), and people that have been involved in traumatic injuries affecting their necks, €cracking€ their necks.
People do it because they feel discomfort in their necks. They feel they have a kink or have lost range of motion. The process of S.I.N.C. (Self-Induced Neck Cracking) may actually give them some temporary relief. This relief comes at a price though. It doesn't fix the problem! Often these individuals have ligament problems in the upper neck. Stretched or torn ligaments are not that uncommon in the upper neck region. The problem with S.I.N.C. is the €weakest link€ in your neck will give way providing an improving range of motion, sometimes less discomfort, further stress in the weak ligament and greater dependency on S.I.N.C. Another addition may actually be created here.
This problem is not a joke. Nor is it funny to watch somebody do this. The upper neck is a very sensitive area and can cause a lot of pain and suffering if it does not receive proper treatment. The use of the Bio-Flex Cold Laser can be very helpful in treating this problem.
The Bio-Flex can help by reducing the inflammation in these joints. It can help stabilize the joint by helping to create collagen fibers. The improvement in blood flow helps to bring nutrition into the area and remove toxins (inflammatory metabolites). Ligaments have a poor blood supply and are usually quite damaged with this problem. The Laser will stimulate that much needed blood supply. The Laser can also modify the pain by stimulating the production of endorphins.
If you ever go to a professional baseball game, watch the batter. Often you will see him literally bend his neck from right to leftand left to right, creating a snapping sound. I remember watching a well known pro-ball player do this at a game! I was appalled!
Folks this is not therapy. You need to see a Chiropractic Doctor to determine the nature of your problem and get a diagnosis. You need to get proper treatment of your neck. You need to stop cracking your own neck.
I always ask patients if they crack their own neck or sleep on their stomachs. If they do either or both we will never be able to align their necks and hold them into position. So if you know of anyone attempting S.I.N.C. get them to see their family Chiropractic Doctor. You will be doing them a big favour. I am a White Rock Chiropractor who endorses the usage of the Bio-Flex Cold Laser System in treating this problem.