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Dow Jones Technical Analysis - Paying Attention to Market Indicators

Paying Attention to Market Indicators You don't have to be a trained stock market analyst to know that the past few years have been hard on the market.
Even companies that were said to be too big to fail have found themselves holding worthless stock.
As one of the most popular financial stock indexes in the world, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is often referred to as the barometer for the entire market, even though it only follow about thirty different stocks.
Because these stocks are often the most influential in the country, the Dow Jones technical analysis is important for monitoring the health of the market in general.
It's important for all new investors to at least be familiar with the practice of Dow Jones technical analysis, and to understand how this stock market index works differently from some of the other popular boards.
Created by Charles Dow in the late 1880s, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, or DJIA, was originally made up of only two capitalized industrial and twelve capitalized railroad companies.
The limited scope of the Dow wasn't only because there weren't very many publicly traded companies at the time, it was actually intentional.
Today, the Dow still only reports on thirty different stocks because its purpose is to monitor American economic strength by observing only the influential companies that are part of the foundation of the U.
All new investors should seek a better understanding of Dow Jones technical analysis because it can provide a general sense of the market trends that are occurring across industries and markets as they happen, without having to analyze to thousands of stocks.
Those that are still doubtful that a stock market index listing only a fraction of the country's publicly traded companies is useful to daily traders, consider the fact that when compared with some of the most inclusive indexes, the history of the Dow can be seen to have followed an almost identical path.
Dow Jones technical analysis is a tool for investors who want to determine the best ways to utilize their money, both in the stocks monitored by Dow, as well as in stocks that are traded outside this index.
Technical analysts make it a habit to monitor the Information about opening and closing prices on the Dow very closely, and use this information to aggregate opinions about their holdings on other indexes.
Those that are interested in the health of the market should pay close attention to the movements on the DJIA.
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