If you are in a situation whereby your marriage is collapsing rapidly and you are saying to yourself "I have to save my marriage now!" You will want to act quickly before it's too late! So if you are not one to give in and throw in the towel at the first sign of trouble, then there are things that you can do today, that will start to turn your marriage around for the better.
Marriage breakups are harrowing times and emotion plays a huge part in this. It is all you can think about from the moment you wake up in the morning to the moment you go to bed. In fact it is hard to think about anything else. However this has probably got you nowhere fast. So in order to change the situation, you will have to change the way that you think! So from now on it is really important to remove emotion from any thought processes and start to think and act rationally and above all calmly. How many times have we said something in the heat of the moment that we probably didn't mean? Well in this sort of situation that can't afford to happen. If you feel yourself getting angry with your partner, then take a deep breath, walk away and take time out to think about a solution to the dilemma. When you have had time to think, go back and talk it over with your partner, in a calm and positive manner. This will keep the lines of communication open with your partner and they will see that you are taking their feelings and wishes into consideration as you try to find common ground.
Something else you can do immediately that will start to turn your marriage around is to take a look at yourself (not in a selfish way but in a reflective way). Think about ways you can improve who you are. As you start to change yourself your spouse will see that you are making the effort to save your marriage by trying to change and therefore it should spark them into action
As a marriage matures and dynamics change, we sometimes allow our needs to be buried in favour of the needs of our partner and children. Don't do this. Take some time now to focus on what you really want out of the relationship and what makes you happy. Once you start to value yourself again, this will not only result in you becoming a more positive focused person, but your partner will regain new found respect for you.
These are just a few processes that you can put into action today to start to get your marriage back on track; however, these tips are just scratching the surface. Your marriage did not fall apart over night and therefore it cannot be fixed over night.
Marriage breakups are harrowing times and emotion plays a huge part in this. It is all you can think about from the moment you wake up in the morning to the moment you go to bed. In fact it is hard to think about anything else. However this has probably got you nowhere fast. So in order to change the situation, you will have to change the way that you think! So from now on it is really important to remove emotion from any thought processes and start to think and act rationally and above all calmly. How many times have we said something in the heat of the moment that we probably didn't mean? Well in this sort of situation that can't afford to happen. If you feel yourself getting angry with your partner, then take a deep breath, walk away and take time out to think about a solution to the dilemma. When you have had time to think, go back and talk it over with your partner, in a calm and positive manner. This will keep the lines of communication open with your partner and they will see that you are taking their feelings and wishes into consideration as you try to find common ground.
Something else you can do immediately that will start to turn your marriage around is to take a look at yourself (not in a selfish way but in a reflective way). Think about ways you can improve who you are. As you start to change yourself your spouse will see that you are making the effort to save your marriage by trying to change and therefore it should spark them into action
As a marriage matures and dynamics change, we sometimes allow our needs to be buried in favour of the needs of our partner and children. Don't do this. Take some time now to focus on what you really want out of the relationship and what makes you happy. Once you start to value yourself again, this will not only result in you becoming a more positive focused person, but your partner will regain new found respect for you.
These are just a few processes that you can put into action today to start to get your marriage back on track; however, these tips are just scratching the surface. Your marriage did not fall apart over night and therefore it cannot be fixed over night.