Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Early Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis - Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Gout

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joint that can affect any joints in any part of the body and cause various symptoms ranging from mild pain to swelling of the affected joints.
Learn about the early signs and symptoms of arthritis, common types of arthritis, and treatment options for arthritis in this article.
Arthritis literally translated as "joint inflammation" and as its meaning implied, it is an inflammatory disease of the joint that can affect any joints in any part of the body.
A joint is the point where two or more bones connect together such as the knee, shoulder or wrist.
Healthy joints are protected by a dense connective tissue called cartilage.
Also, the joint is enclosed in synovial membrane that forms a sturdy sheath and secretes synovial fluid that helps the cartilage in protecting the bones from rubbing against each other.
Symptoms of arthritis Joint inflammation caused by arthritis will lead to various symptoms ranging from mild pain to swelling of the affected joints.
Other common symptoms associated with arthritis include redness in the joints that feel warm to the touch, an increased stiffness in the joints especially after waking up from the bed, a cracking sound in the joints when changing position, and severe joint pain that may cause it's hard to move.
Early signs of arthritis Arthritis can take four to ten years to appear after the early signs do.
Below is a list of early signs and symptoms of arthritis that you should watch out for.
These arthritis symptoms will be varied from person to person since each person's nutritional intake is different.
  • Dry scalp with dandruff
  • Dry skin with a whitish in various parts of the body
  • Ear has no ear wax
  • Fingernails brittleness
  • Premature graying hair
  • Wrinkles around the neck
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Skin paleness
  • Itchy nose and rectum
  • Buildup of dried flecks at the corners of the eyes
  • Stiffness when waking up in the morning
  • Coldness and clamminess in the hands and legs
  • Bleeding gums
  • Varicose veins in the legs
  • Being sterile.
Types of Arthritis There are over 100 different diseases associated with the term arthritis, and the three most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout.
Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is a very common type of arthritis.
It generally affects the cartilage, a tough elastic tissue that prevents friction of the bones within the joint.
After some time, or because of illness, the cartilage may begin to wear out or decay; in some extreme cases, all the cartilage can be worn out resulting in nothing to protect the bones within the joint from rubbing against each other.
This friction often leads to pain and swelling of the affected area, and even disability.
Although osteoarthritis can affect any joint, it very often strikes the large weight-supporting joints such as knees, hips, and feet, and also the hands, spinal facet joints and neck.
Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is another common type of arthritis that afflicts sufferers.
It attacks the joints and categorized as a systemic disease that can damage other organs.
After awhile, the rheumatoid arthritis symptoms might disappear, but the problem is still present.
The exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown yet, though experts suggest that things like infections, fungi, or bacteria are the perpetrators.
In addition, some people believe that rheumatoid arthritis is genetic.
Early signs of rheumatoid arthritis are pain and swelling in the affected joints.
Other common symptoms include muscle torment, extreme fatigue, redness and warmth at the joints, a little fever and loss of appetite.
Gout Gout is a painful rheumatic condition and usually initiated by a sudden onset of acute pain, followed by swelling and stiffness in the joints that is often warm to the touch and look red.
Gout is caused by the buildup of excess uric acid in the bloodstream and the connective tissue of the joint respectively.
Overtime, this deposit will inflame the joint causing acute gouty arthritis.
In addition, this uric acid buildup may also damage the kidneys, in which kidney stones formed.
Stressful events, liquor or drugs, or the presence of other disease all can trigger gout.
It often affects joints in the extremity such as the knees, heels, ankles, or toes.
Look over the list of early signs of arthritis and decide if you experience one or many of the arthritis symptoms.
If you do, you should start improving your nutritional intake such as use of the oils good for preventing arthritis and eliminate foods that are detrimental to your joints and health, losing weight to reduce stress and strain on the joints, reducing both physical and emotional stress, incorporating gentle stress free exercises in your daily routine, and trying both hot and cold therapies.
However, if your arthritis symptoms are severe, you should consult with your doctor as soon as possible.
Several medical treatment options for more advanced arthritis include use of splints and braces to protect your joints, drug therapies and surgical procedures.
Remember, it can take many years for arthritis to appear after the early signs of arthritis do.
So the sooner you start living healthier the better.
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