hello everybody so wanted to make concealed current under seal being aeries and basically this will be all about up concealed encouraging problems that you might have in your skin specially your pale and up to tricks arm are quite different for certain degree of pale miss and also because here don't really readily find the products that easily or if your pale on like if you're hot honor of darkness which Idol really badly it loOKs you go limp like zombie like really is only so and often to concealers that you find currently available on to really the proper job of concealing that.
I'll darkness or discoloration you might hop I'm are you on your face or under scar-winner so yeah and I have tried really many concealers and I have as of now some of my favorites like I know now why I like and are hard to use them and blah and I just why share my tricks and what I personally found that worked I on me as well as some clients so by no means this is the golden rule paid to something that I follow it works and if you like there is also the new can just to it as well basically there are tree products that you'll meet Johnnie up corrector either you can make your own corrector banks in Taiwan the lipstick with concealed so that you should use somewhere over peachy pink you lipstick if you know her corrector but I how come to your school or mercy room of character loOK like this it scary on its own but absolutely great mix and then I'll Germany OK concealed either that matches your skin tone butt's not yet are really liked well it could bean ways to the counselor I like to steal their entry game light and I use a lighter shade this one as you can see ahead pan quite badly I hope I can find replacement or another one another that could be really good term option this one is the ball over on correct term porcelain bisque on for me the current that consumer from around the porcelain it's too dark for me so I use it if I I'm going for one shade darker from nation or something like that that otherwise and want and author part you need ease every either high coverage concealed or high coverage foundation.
and I'm using that coming up what social skin enhancer in X 01 because I didn't really like this on my face it loOKs too heavy farming I Mike be good for photo shoots but not for everyday use and a ass under eye concealed inches brilliant I just love this stuff 0 option stuff and you can use I'm well I would say that you should always moisturizer on drive before applying any consignor captures really important I Wong I really liked the bar high grading I cream because he primes the on there I as wells more stress is.
I'll darkness or discoloration you might hop I'm are you on your face or under scar-winner so yeah and I have tried really many concealers and I have as of now some of my favorites like I know now why I like and are hard to use them and blah and I just why share my tricks and what I personally found that worked I on me as well as some clients so by no means this is the golden rule paid to something that I follow it works and if you like there is also the new can just to it as well basically there are tree products that you'll meet Johnnie up corrector either you can make your own corrector banks in Taiwan the lipstick with concealed so that you should use somewhere over peachy pink you lipstick if you know her corrector but I how come to your school or mercy room of character loOK like this it scary on its own but absolutely great mix and then I'll Germany OK concealed either that matches your skin tone butt's not yet are really liked well it could bean ways to the counselor I like to steal their entry game light and I use a lighter shade this one as you can see ahead pan quite badly I hope I can find replacement or another one another that could be really good term option this one is the ball over on correct term porcelain bisque on for me the current that consumer from around the porcelain it's too dark for me so I use it if I I'm going for one shade darker from nation or something like that that otherwise and want and author part you need ease every either high coverage concealed or high coverage foundation.
and I'm using that coming up what social skin enhancer in X 01 because I didn't really like this on my face it loOKs too heavy farming I Mike be good for photo shoots but not for everyday use and a ass under eye concealed inches brilliant I just love this stuff 0 option stuff and you can use I'm well I would say that you should always moisturizer on drive before applying any consignor captures really important I Wong I really liked the bar high grading I cream because he primes the on there I as wells more stress is.