- 1). Measure and cut the carpet remnant to the size you want to use for your door mat. Scissors or a utility knife work well for this purpose. An easy way to get the right measurement is to measure the width of your doorway and then add a couple of inches to the length of your door mat for overlapping coverage. For the width, make the door mat wide enough for a guest to stand on and remove his shoes.
- 2). Use a self-adhesive carpet binding to make the job a little easier on yourself. Cut a clean edge on the end of the self-adhesive carpet binding and line up the backing along the bottom side of the carpet remnant so that the serged edge rests up against the carpet remnant's edge. Start in the middle of the edge since that will allow you to line up the binding when you finish.
- 3). Cut the self-adhesive carpet binding just past the edge of the carpet remnant when you reach the corner.
- 4). Line up the self-adhesive carpet binding on the next edge and continue around the carpet remnant until you reach the original starting point.
- 5). Use a hot glue gun to apply glue between the carpet remnant's edge and the top inside edge of the self-adhesive carpet binding. This method gives the carpet binding an additional level of security and also finishes off the door mat.