- 1). Select the layer you want to receive the inner glow effect. Click the "Add Layer Style" button in the Layers palette toolbar and choose "Inner Glow" from the styles options. The layer style dialog will open with the default Inner Glow settings.
- 2). Check the "Preview" option. This will allow you to can see the default Inner Glow live in the document window. Increase the glow size to 10 pixels and the choke to 100 percent so you can see the glow color effect completely. (This is just for comparison, these probably won't be your final settings.)
- 3). Change your glow color to one that stands in contrast with the colors in the layer (Photoshop's default color is light yellow but quite often this is lost in the noise of the object color). If your color still seems lost against the layer colors change the Blend Mode to "Hard Light" or "Vivid Light" or increase the opacity.
- 4). Set the source for your glow. You can spread the glow color from the center or edges. Increase the glow size to extend the range of colors and use the choke command to control the mix of the glow color with the background (a lower choke blends the glow and background colors, a higher choke limits the range of the color blend).
- 5). Adjust the size and spread settings to your final preferences. Experiment with contour settings in the quality section. The "Inverted-Cone" reverses the spread, the "Ring" and "Sawtooth" contours create a radiating target effect.