Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Understanding Atopic Eczema: Dermatitis Skin Problems That Recur

There are more people with atopic eczema today than there were in the early nineties. There are different reasons given for this including chemicals in the environment, pesticides and new food additives. Some researches say there are less fatty acids in the skin of those prone to it and others say that the hormone interferon gamma has lower levels. Also the IGE is not in normal range
for many with atopic eczema. The IGE can be checked in a blood test by your physician or dermatologist that is working with you to control your eczema outbreak problem and rash.

Environmental as well as food allergies can be causes. Food allergies can include eggs, nuts, dairy, soy products and shellfish. Environmental factors causing allergies can be cleaning products, pesticides, laundry detergent reactions, dust mites and various factors. We can't rule out of course stress and other situations such as compromoised immune system.

Why ie eczema reactions so much higher now than in 1950? No one is certain but chemicals in the environment, pesticdes and food additives are blamed by some. Try to get as many products without additives including getting soap for sensitive skin, detergenent free from dyes and moisturizers that don't have extra ingredients. Hydration is important as is sleep and de-stressing to not aggravate the itchy skin.

Visualize your skin clear and that you are healthy. Take walks and use anti-itch creams to avoid infecting your skin or aggrvating it further. This is critical for kids who have little self-control when they feel an itch. You also may scratch yourself in your sleep when things are bad so be sure to cut your nails very short. If you want to beat eczema and overcome the atopic dermatitis, you need to be diligent.

A program involving non-allergenic products, healthy foods, hydration, good supplements and stress relief is very helpful to relieve atopic eczema. You have to also keep track of what you are reacting to. I know for myself I had some candy with food dye and had a rash shortly after. My friend gets a rash after shellfish. A food diary is very helpful to see what you are reacting to.

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