- Now what?major traffic jam 2 image by Aaron Kohr from Fotolia.com
Traffic jams occur somewhat predictably in major metropolitan areas. Morning and afternoon rush hours are prime times for traffic to come to a halt on the busy freeways. Road construction has been known to turn even remote stretches of pavement into parking lots, and the unpredictability of other drivers can force a screeching halt to traffic flow anywhere at anytime. Rather than just sitting and stewing about being caught in a traffic jam, try to relieve the stress by engaging in some productive or mildly entertaining behavior. - A traffic jam could create the perfect opportunity to pop open the glove box and tidy up the pile of maintenance manuals, insurance papers, ketchup packets and receipts from stuff you can't remember buying. Count the coins in the ashtray and reward yourself with a trip to the nearest dollar menu as soon as you can inch over to the off-ramp. Remove the broken sunglasses, lint-filled lollipop sticks, gum wrappers and unmarked mystery CDs from the center console. There's no time like the present for these much-needed mundane tasks.
- Modern technology is a wonderful thing. As long as you're not violating any state laws about the use of cell phones while driving, there's endless entertainment available via today's smart phones. Twitter your predicament to the world. Perhaps one of your followers is stuck in the same jam a few cars up. Fun! Posting your plight on Facebook is sure to provide some empathy and solace from your friends. If you have one, press the On-Star button and chat up the operator. They can see your location and perhaps provide an escape route. Roll down the window and ask the car next to you about the game last night. You never know...love might be waiting behind the tinted window next to you.
- Radio roulette can be a time-waster during a traffic jam. Set the radio to scan and let the dial continuously spin. Traffic jams can be ideal for searching through the MP3 player as well. Make a commemorative traffic jam play list. Call it "my traffic jam." Audiobooks were invented for just such a circumstance. Curl up in the driver's seat and pretend your overheating engine is actually a fireplace. Listen to those unmarked mystery CDs you just found in the center console.
- Discreetly observe other people. Notice how they are dealing with the crisis. Imagine where they're going or where they just came from. Pretend you're on safari in an urban wildlife refuge and are simply observing humankind in its natural habitat. See how many different "species" you can spot. You're apt to notice makeup artists, teeth-checkers, air-drummers, lovebirds, anger management class candidates, singers, dozers (follow the honking horns) and other people-watchers.
Clean and Organize
People Watch