The more natural way to living a life where foods with candida or yeast have a negative effect on your body, is simply eating the right foods without yeast!! Will it be easy? Probably not at first but once you see all the benefits and improvements in your health, body and mind, you will want to continue your journey of eating foods that make you and your body feel great!
One reason why someone would want to go on a yeast free diet is to lose weight. Some people have a very hard time losing those extra pounds. Adopting a yeast free way of living will have you seeing changes in your body immediately.
The second reason why someone would opt to eating yeast free is to get rid of the symptoms that are associated with the overgrowth of yeast, which is called Candidiasis. Yeast intolerance is becoming more prevalent as people discover a correlation of certain symptoms as a result with the foods they eat. These symptoms of Candidiasis might include muscle aches and pains, diarrhea, yeast infections (in men and women), vaginitis, gas, constipation and bloating. Younger people might even think that they cannot be cured of their symptoms if they don't know they have Candidiasis, but it is a world difference once they realize that they have this condition and they can in fact feel better after treatment and a change in their diet. Sufferers can learn how eventually pinpoint which foods make them more symptomatic than others.
Most of the symptoms can be cured with medication but your best bet as to not have the symptoms of yeast overgrowth to reoccur is to change your diet and look closely at the foods you are eating each and every day.
At first, when you start your yeast free diet, your body will take some adjusting time. You might feel a bit sluggish at first but this will not last long! The diet will call for eating foods like more vegetables and beans. You should be looking to go yeast free for about 6 weeks straight to clear your system of the yeast and to start anew.
Certain foods need to be avoided or altogether eliminated from the diet, processed, sugary foods. These foods are almost designed to promote yeast growth. The most important foods to avoid are those containing yeasts and molds including some dairy products like cheese, and fermented foods, especially alcohol like beer, wine and spirits. Also, foods with starch contain substances that break down into sugars so those should be avoided as well.
You can incorporate meat into your diet, but sparingly. You will be able to find antibiotic free meat in any health food store that sells meat products. Your normal, everyday meat contains antibiotics which are pumped into the animals to make them, well, more meaty. It is much better to eat meat that is free range, vegetarian fed, no hormones, antibiotic free. So what's the problem with antibiotics?? Well, antibiotics kill all bacteria in your body! We need some good bacteria in our bodies to fight the bad bacteria. Without the good bacteria, there is no bacteria to fight off the bad. That is why, when prescribed antibiotics, yeast – like symptoms can often reoccur in your body shortly after they have gone away. There is a better way to feel better and lose these symptoms for good and that is with a yeast free diet.
One reason why someone would want to go on a yeast free diet is to lose weight. Some people have a very hard time losing those extra pounds. Adopting a yeast free way of living will have you seeing changes in your body immediately.
The second reason why someone would opt to eating yeast free is to get rid of the symptoms that are associated with the overgrowth of yeast, which is called Candidiasis. Yeast intolerance is becoming more prevalent as people discover a correlation of certain symptoms as a result with the foods they eat. These symptoms of Candidiasis might include muscle aches and pains, diarrhea, yeast infections (in men and women), vaginitis, gas, constipation and bloating. Younger people might even think that they cannot be cured of their symptoms if they don't know they have Candidiasis, but it is a world difference once they realize that they have this condition and they can in fact feel better after treatment and a change in their diet. Sufferers can learn how eventually pinpoint which foods make them more symptomatic than others.
Most of the symptoms can be cured with medication but your best bet as to not have the symptoms of yeast overgrowth to reoccur is to change your diet and look closely at the foods you are eating each and every day.
At first, when you start your yeast free diet, your body will take some adjusting time. You might feel a bit sluggish at first but this will not last long! The diet will call for eating foods like more vegetables and beans. You should be looking to go yeast free for about 6 weeks straight to clear your system of the yeast and to start anew.
Certain foods need to be avoided or altogether eliminated from the diet, processed, sugary foods. These foods are almost designed to promote yeast growth. The most important foods to avoid are those containing yeasts and molds including some dairy products like cheese, and fermented foods, especially alcohol like beer, wine and spirits. Also, foods with starch contain substances that break down into sugars so those should be avoided as well.
You can incorporate meat into your diet, but sparingly. You will be able to find antibiotic free meat in any health food store that sells meat products. Your normal, everyday meat contains antibiotics which are pumped into the animals to make them, well, more meaty. It is much better to eat meat that is free range, vegetarian fed, no hormones, antibiotic free. So what's the problem with antibiotics?? Well, antibiotics kill all bacteria in your body! We need some good bacteria in our bodies to fight the bad bacteria. Without the good bacteria, there is no bacteria to fight off the bad. That is why, when prescribed antibiotics, yeast – like symptoms can often reoccur in your body shortly after they have gone away. There is a better way to feel better and lose these symptoms for good and that is with a yeast free diet.