- A gin pole is a hand-operated pulley system that is situated on the end of a tall, vertical pole. The pole is supported by guy ropes that help keep it from tipping over and buckling as you lift. It's designed to make it easier to lift heavy materials up a very tall height, such as a tower, building or construction site. A small rope passes through the pulley at the top, and a winch at the bottom helps keep the rope from slipping out of your hand. Gin poles go by several other names, including a guyed-mast derrick, a pole derrick and a standing derrick.
- The material being lifted is tied to the rope at the bottom and secured with several knots. The other end of the rope is pulled downward to lift the material. One person can operate a gin pole. However, with heavier objects multiple lifters may be necessary to get the material off the ground. The rope is pulled slowly to avoid swinging the material as it rises. The material is then removed at the top of the pole using whatever method is necessary.
- Gin poles are used for a variety of purposes, mostly in construction. They are often used to stack sections of a tower, such as an electrical or radio station tower. These gin poles are motor-driven because they lift incredibly heavy pieces of tower up a long distance. Gin poles are used to haul items up the tower as well. Gin poles may also be used at construction sites to haul heavy tools. Amateur gin pole users include owners of sailboats, people building homes or anyone who wants to haul something heavy up a long vertical distance.
- Not all gin poles are designed for the same purposes. Some are designed to lift heavier objects than others, and using the wrong gin pole can cause it to buckle, sway or even break. Make sure all the guy ropes are tied down firmly before using a gin pole, to help lessen the possibility of malfunction. Check your gin pole's user manual to find user restrictions and suggestions. Always wear gloves, safety goggles and other protective gear while you use a gin pole to minimize the risk of injury.