- Play "Peggle Extreme" for free on your PC.computer image by Ewe Degiampietro from Fotolia.com
"Peggle Extreme" was released in 2007 with the "Orange Box," which includes the well respected "Half-Life 2" game as well as "Team Fortress" released by the Valve Corporation. Players launch a ball from the bottom the screen to destroy the orange rectangles or "peggles" that litter the field. The only difference between this game and the other Peggle games is that the levels are inspired by "Half-Life." The game play is the same as are the cheats. - During play, your gaming flippers can come and go. Though they don't stay gone long, this can cause a huge problem. The flippers can disappear just as you need them, which can result in a lost life. However, there is a very simple code that can help you have flippers at all times. It will only work during the "Quick Play" mode. During the game, type the word "kathy" with your keypad. For the rest of the game, your flippers will never disappear. The game might become too easy after this code, though. Type "kathy" again to deactivate the code and return the game to normal.
- Speed is an essential part of "Peggle Extreme." However, the game can seem to drag at certain points, such as when your ball just doesn't seem to want to come back to the flippers. Luckily, there is an easy way to speed up the game play. Right click the mouse just before you hit your ball. The game speed will increase for the duration of your shot. This helps the game go by quicker and can avoid boring moments. However, you can also type the word "scott" during game play to speed the game up even more. The game will now fast forward through every shot at an even quicker rate.
- While you're playing, you might have caught the "Magic Hat" power-up. Catching this gives your ball a top hat. It creates a distinctive and amusing look for your ball. However, you can get this top hat by typing "steve" during game play at anytime. The top hat will instantly appear on top of your ball. The top hat is simply for looks. It offers no advantages or disadvantages to your game play. However, it can be funny to show off to friends. Remove the top hat from your ball by typing "steve" again.
- The "Extreme Fever Zoom Camera" will occasionally zoom in on your ball during extreme gaming moments. These moments include when you have destroyed multiple peggles very quickly. The camera can sometimes get distracting for some people. It can be disabled very easily. Type the word "zoom" at any point during the game. The camera will be turned off for the rest of the game. This code is reversible, like the other cheat codes. Reactivate the camera by typing "zoom" again.
Permanent Flippers
Speed Up
Mr. Ball
Extreme Fever Zoom