Home & Garden Gardening

The Best Flowers for Hangers

    • Hanging baskets are one solution if you like flowers but lack the space for flowerpots. You can hang them outside on a porch or inside from the ceiling. Up high, your flowers will be protected from curious pets and stay out of your way.


    • Petunias are colorful, inexpensive flowers that are easy to maintain. Hang your petunia basket where the flowers will get full sun. Allow them to completely dry between waterings and do not fertilize them. As the blooms fade, cut them at the end of the stem. If you leave a couple of leaves at the base, the stems will continue to produce blooms. Combine petunia seedlings of different colors for a festive look.

    Common Periwinkle

    • Common periwinkle is an evergreen that blooms in the spring and early summer. Blue flowers are the most common, but there's also a variety that produces white flowers. It likes full sun to partial shade and regular watering.


    • Moneywort is a perennial trailing plan that produces dark yellow flowers in June. It likes full sun to lightly shaded areas. It does well in moist soil and you also can cultivate it in shallow water.

    Coliseum Ivy

    • Like moneywort, coliseum ivy also likes moisture, but it's a climbing vine that produces small lilac flowers that look like those of a snapdragon.


    • With the annual lobelia, you have the choice of white, blue or red flowers. It prefers moist, rich soil and full sun, but it will thrive in areas where summers are cool. Once it begins to blossom, it will continue to bloom until the end of summer.


    • The annual nemophila, which produces delicate blue and white flowers, does better in poor soil and cooler climates. It also propagate quickly, so put no more than two or three plants in one flowerpot.


    • With nasturtium, you don't have to worry if your thumb isn't green. It's easy to grow, propagates like a weed and self-seeds, always returning the following year without any effort on your part. Nasturtium flowers are brightly colored in different shades of orange, yellow, pink and red. They're also edible and you can use them to garnish soups and salads and as cake decorations. Nasturtiums like full sun and moist, well-drained soil.

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