Over 2.
8 million people are infected yearly with Chlamydia all USA, it has become the most prevalent STD in the world.
Chlamydia can be asymptomatic, showing no symptoms at all and devouring you internal organs until they are severely damages, one of its devastating effects if left untreated is infertility.
Chlamydia infection is caused by a bacterial infection through sexual activities; Chlamydia muridarum, Chlamydia trachomatis as well as Chlamydia suis are the top three genus of bacteria that can cause Chlamydia.
These bacteria cannot live without a host, thus it is highly convenient for them to transfer from one body to another through the exchange of body fluids.
Transmission can also occur through child birth upon passage through the birth canal.
Chlamydia is often asymptomatic, thus, making it hard to detect and often untreated by most infected person who has no idea that they are infected at all.
Symptoms of Chlamydia can vary in the gender it has infected.
For men, abnormal discharges from the penis is the most prevalent of all Chlamydia symptoms, it could be accompanied by burning sensation during urination.
Women on the other hand can experience abnormal discharges from the vagina and as well as a burning sensation during urination, women may also feel abdominal pain and irregular bleeding during menstruation.
A large percent of the total population of infected with Chlamydia has no idea that they are infected, thus leaving the disease untreated.
When Chlamydia is untreated, inflammation could happen in the testicles of the male and in the pelvic of the female that can lead to infertility.
Treatments for Chlamydia are something that you should take for granted, as said earlier that it can lead to serious medical conditions and these conditions can be avoided if you treat Chlamydia infection as early as possible.
Antibiotics are the cure for Chlamydia, with the right dosage regimen and correct time of intake, Chlamydia can be eradicated easily.
Antibiotics to cure Chlamydia are doctor prescribed, some of which that are commonly used are Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Azithromycin and Ciprofloxacin.
Though Chlamydia is curable, it is still best that you avoid a Chlamydia infection rather than having to cure it, as the common saying goes, "prevention is better than cure".
Prevention of Chlamydia can be done by complete abstinence from any sexual activity or if not, the practice of safe sex through the use of condoms.
But for those people already infected with the infection, it is best to seek for help as early as you see symptoms or even if you just suspect that you have had a sexual encounter with an infected person.
For sexually active individual, it is best that you get screened for STD in an STD clinic on a regular basis.
Chlamydia infection- Do not let yourself be off-guarded against this disease.
Learn more about it.
8 million people are infected yearly with Chlamydia all USA, it has become the most prevalent STD in the world.
Chlamydia can be asymptomatic, showing no symptoms at all and devouring you internal organs until they are severely damages, one of its devastating effects if left untreated is infertility.
Chlamydia infection is caused by a bacterial infection through sexual activities; Chlamydia muridarum, Chlamydia trachomatis as well as Chlamydia suis are the top three genus of bacteria that can cause Chlamydia.
These bacteria cannot live without a host, thus it is highly convenient for them to transfer from one body to another through the exchange of body fluids.
Transmission can also occur through child birth upon passage through the birth canal.
Chlamydia is often asymptomatic, thus, making it hard to detect and often untreated by most infected person who has no idea that they are infected at all.
Symptoms of Chlamydia can vary in the gender it has infected.
For men, abnormal discharges from the penis is the most prevalent of all Chlamydia symptoms, it could be accompanied by burning sensation during urination.
Women on the other hand can experience abnormal discharges from the vagina and as well as a burning sensation during urination, women may also feel abdominal pain and irregular bleeding during menstruation.
A large percent of the total population of infected with Chlamydia has no idea that they are infected, thus leaving the disease untreated.
When Chlamydia is untreated, inflammation could happen in the testicles of the male and in the pelvic of the female that can lead to infertility.
Treatments for Chlamydia are something that you should take for granted, as said earlier that it can lead to serious medical conditions and these conditions can be avoided if you treat Chlamydia infection as early as possible.
Antibiotics are the cure for Chlamydia, with the right dosage regimen and correct time of intake, Chlamydia can be eradicated easily.
Antibiotics to cure Chlamydia are doctor prescribed, some of which that are commonly used are Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Azithromycin and Ciprofloxacin.
Though Chlamydia is curable, it is still best that you avoid a Chlamydia infection rather than having to cure it, as the common saying goes, "prevention is better than cure".
Prevention of Chlamydia can be done by complete abstinence from any sexual activity or if not, the practice of safe sex through the use of condoms.
But for those people already infected with the infection, it is best to seek for help as early as you see symptoms or even if you just suspect that you have had a sexual encounter with an infected person.
For sexually active individual, it is best that you get screened for STD in an STD clinic on a regular basis.
Chlamydia infection- Do not let yourself be off-guarded against this disease.
Learn more about it.