- 1). Cut a rectangular piece of foam 3-inches by 3 inches wide and 9 inches tall to create the hieroglyph headdress in the shape of a throne. Carve a seat into the throne 6 inches from the bottom and 2 inches deep, leaving the back of the throne approximately 1 inch wide.
- 2). Place the foam throne outside on a sheet of plastic or a protective tarp to spray paint it. Wear a mask and paint the throne gold. Allow it to dry overnight.
- 3). Push a screwdriver through the middle of one side of the foam throne, about 1/2 inch from the bottom, to create a hole with an entrance on one side and an exit on the side directly across. Turn the throne to create another hole through the middle, slightly above the first, entering and exiting on the two unmarked sides. The throne will now have holes on all four sides, creating a "+" sign inside of it.
- 4). Twist the ends of two pipe cleaners tightly together and thread them through one set of holes. Twist the ends of two more pipe cleaners together and thread them through the other set of holes. An equal amount of pipe cleaner should stick out of all four holes.
- 5). Tie the leather laces around the widest point of your head, from forehead to the back of your skull. Sit the foam throne directly on top of your head. Use the pipe cleaners to secure the throne to the leather strap.