Health & Medical Nutrition

The Nutritional Benefit Of Vegetables Is Hard To Beat

For most of us, eating vegetables is viewed as something to 'get through', rather than something that is to be enjoyed.
Visuals like "eating our peas" bring to mind a distasteful chore...
so you can see why the notion has gotten such a foothold on all of us.
Yet experts think the nutritional benefit of vegetables and fruit are hard to beat, and with good reason.
The U.
government now suggests we fill half our plates at every meal with these good for you foods.
Well known diet plans like Weight Watchers' give no points to fruits and vegetables, so they're a great option, totally free of guilt and packed with nutrients to boot.
Nutritionists can list a large number of reasons why vegetables and fruits are so good for us.
They have high levels of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.
Eating these foods has been associated with a lower risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and maybe even cancer.
Over nine out of 10 Americans take in fewer good for you fruits and veggies than the recommended daily amount - 2 to 6½ cups.
Most people probably manage a cup of veggies and maybe a single fruit on most days.
The surprising thing is that eating a serving of fruits and veggies isn't all that difficult, as a single serving isn't that big.
A single serving equals a whole cup of raw fruits or veggies, or half a cup of cooked veggies.
Here's what you get from that single serving...
- Calcium that helps your bones and teeth, with proper function of muscles - Folate cuts a woman's risk of giving birth to a child with birth defects - Iron that's needed for healthy cell and blood function - Magnesium that reduces muscle cramps and keeps high blood pressure in check, is also necessary for healthy bones along with correct function of enzymes in the body.
- Potassium that helps maintain blood pressure in the healthy range.
- Vitamin A that keeps both eyes and skin in good shape and helps keep the body protected from infection - Vitamin C helps in healing and keeps teeth and gums in good shape - Micronutrients that give fruit and veggies their color also are fantastic sources of antioxidants, helpful in preventing any number of diseases - Fiber helps you feel more full and has other health benefits as well, things like lowering cholesterol and keeping blood sugar stable Even if you are working to eat more fruits and veggies - it can sometimes be hard to get them in.
The experts suggest adding veggies to recipes that don't normally have them - grated carrot to muffins or shredded zucchini to pancakes.
You don't have to taste the veggie to get the benefit.
Cutting up fruits/veggies so they're in handy bite sizes and ready to snack on is also a smart strategy.
Make a veggie tray and keep it in the fridge where you can see it, and snack on anytime.
The good news is in whatever form you choose to gain the nutritional benefit of vegetables, they are all good for your health.
While fresh or frozen might have a few more nutrients, those in cans are often more affordable and available at any season of the year.
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