Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Types of Personal Injury Lawsuits and How to Know If You Qualify

Personal injury is a legal term for an injury that occurs to the body, mind or emotions, as opposed to damage to property.
Victims of personal injuries typically had no role in the cause of their injuries, nor any way to prevent them.
The goal of a lawsuitis to restore the injured person to his or her pre-incident condition.
Although lawyers often refer to "types" of accidents, there is a broader view to consider.
To refer to different "types" of personal injury lawsuits is really a misnomer.
Regardless of the specific circumstances that occur, there is only one type of personal injury lawsuit-the kind where someone is hurt or killed as a result of someone else's negligence.
There are four conditions that make up personal injury lawsuits:
  1. Responsibility for reasonable care for the safety and health of another person
  2. Negligence in the reasonable care standard, resulting in an accident or incident
  3. Injury or death caused by that accident or incident
  4. Proof that injury or death would not have happened had it not been for the negligence in the reasonable care standard
As long as these four conditions are present, the circumstances qualify for a lawsuit to be filed.
Lawsuit circumstances vary A variety of circumstances can lead to a lawsuit:
  • Motor vehicle accidents: car, truck, motorcycle, bus, plane, train, and boat accidents
  • Trauma: traumatic injuries to the brain, skull, spinal cord, back, internal organs
  • Medical malpractice: malpractice in surgery, treatment, diagnosis, follow-up, prescriptions
  • Assault: domestic violence, nursing home neglect or abuse, rape, criminal assault
  • Workplace incidents: slips and falls, burns, amputations, toxins, accidental death
  • Product liability: harmful design, malfunctioning products, defective drugs
  • Premise liabilities and situations: dog bites, falls, mold
Basis for compensation for injury cases Compensation varies under different circumstances.
Generally, however, victims can recover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.
Families of wrongful death victims can recover medical and funeral expenses as well as the loss of the victim's expected earnings, benefits, inheritance, and the value of goods and services the victim would have provided.
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