- Kids can have as much fun designing their makeover game as they will playing it. To play "Matchmaker," everyone must start with a drawing of a person. Even stick figures will do the trick. Next, cut out clothing, hats, glasses, purses, shoes, wigs and all sorts of fun accessories for the person. The only rule is everyone must a have copy of every piece. So each person should make enough of an item for everyone. Now choose a person to be the designer. That person selects an event like "The Circus" and must dress her figure. When she is finished, the other players dress their figures. Now, everyone compares to see who has the most matches to the designer. That person wins the round.
- "Make Me Over," is a game you can play with two or more children. Everyone must select a partner. Each person will need lipstick, eye shadow, blush, a comb and some hair clips. Partners must sit across from each other. At the start of the game everyone frantically works to make over her partner. They have one minute to complete the task. You can even make a suggestion like "Monkey!' and everyone must make their partner look like a monkey. The game gets very funny and messy as everyone tries to fix her partner at the same time. Use art smocks to keep the mess off clothing. When you are finished, have a parent judge who has the best look. Then go to the bathroom for a good scrubbing.
- "What's Missing?" is a fun activity that involves making over a room. To play, split the children into teams and choose a room in your house. Select 15 decorative items out of that room. A lamp, a picture, a vase, a rug, even books count. Have someone make a list. Next, one group leaves the room while the other has two minutes to rearrange all 15 objects in the room, leaving one object out. The left-out item must be hidden. When they are done, the first group is called back into the room. A timer is set and the first group must figure out which object is missing. Stop the watch when they figure it out and then reverse roles and try to beat each other's time.
Make Me Over
What's Missing?