Doesn't spike your blood sugar is because its ninety percent fructose to put that into perspective high fructose corn syrup which has been so demonized I believe is forty-two percent fructose so this healthy agave nectar has more than twice as much fructose that's why it's low because fructose doesn't stimulate but insulin response in your body however fructose AKA fruit sugar is uniquely many of us because it's processed differently body completely differently it's very likely to give us it goes to deliver it can cause fatty liver disease the point is that fruit sugar sugar.
sugar is because the sugar comes with in it like for example someone says juice how could you possibly say apple juice is the same as coke well it's not in the sense that may have some more nutrients but if I take a vitamin pill and dissolve it in a can of coke it doesn't make the coke healthy so carries going to spot on in the sense that thirty grams of sugar I do not care where it's coming from is BellaVe¬ not going to help your fat loss efforts I'm that is a key point is your body seizes the sign yes and then in fact in fact in some case not in some cases fructose or fruit sugar for many people is actually uniquely fattening and I know that's good said some people but I'm wherever picking fruits things like low sugar high nutrition fruits such as citrus and berries are the best conscription.
things like grapes are just packed with fructose they're not particularly satisfying and it this is not Jonathan's wild and crazy opinion look up from goes on Wikipedia and look up glucose on Wikipedia and the lockup lactose on Wikipedia lactose is Gary sugar glucose is the sugar baddie primarily runs on and fructose the sugar from a from fruits fructose is metabolized differently by your body and the weights metabolize dis actually more likely to call cause fat gain and if you have any questions about that there's reason why high fructose corn syrup is gone so much bad press it's because it's were quite high in fructose but folks only got forty two percent fructose in there's things out there that have evermore photos in it this is not to say avoid fruits it is the same just like refocus on the highest quality protein when Karen just like the focus on the high school anon-starter vegetables by Scott fats let's focus on the highest quality.
sugar is because the sugar comes with in it like for example someone says juice how could you possibly say apple juice is the same as coke well it's not in the sense that may have some more nutrients but if I take a vitamin pill and dissolve it in a can of coke it doesn't make the coke healthy so carries going to spot on in the sense that thirty grams of sugar I do not care where it's coming from is BellaVe¬ not going to help your fat loss efforts I'm that is a key point is your body seizes the sign yes and then in fact in fact in some case not in some cases fructose or fruit sugar for many people is actually uniquely fattening and I know that's good said some people but I'm wherever picking fruits things like low sugar high nutrition fruits such as citrus and berries are the best conscription.
things like grapes are just packed with fructose they're not particularly satisfying and it this is not Jonathan's wild and crazy opinion look up from goes on Wikipedia and look up glucose on Wikipedia and the lockup lactose on Wikipedia lactose is Gary sugar glucose is the sugar baddie primarily runs on and fructose the sugar from a from fruits fructose is metabolized differently by your body and the weights metabolize dis actually more likely to call cause fat gain and if you have any questions about that there's reason why high fructose corn syrup is gone so much bad press it's because it's were quite high in fructose but folks only got forty two percent fructose in there's things out there that have evermore photos in it this is not to say avoid fruits it is the same just like refocus on the highest quality protein when Karen just like the focus on the high school anon-starter vegetables by Scott fats let's focus on the highest quality.