What do you think about when you think about the holidays? Family? Presents? Food? Well, how about...
new release movies! That's what I think about.
I mean, in addition to the aforementioned.
You may think that isn't representing the Christmas spirit, but I disagree.
New release movies during Christmas are always of high quality and should, therefore, be anticipated.
Every Christmas, there are a slew of movies that come out that either bomb or explode at the box office.
Last year we had The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
As soon as I saw trailers for this movie, I went and bought the book (or book of short stories containing the short story) by F.
Scott Fitzgerald.
Twenty pages and I put the book down slightly disappointed.
I could have read the short story about twenty times during the duration of the movie.
While it induced in me that consciousness of pathos and did have very profound scenes, it was a little long and melodramatic.
This year it looks like Hollywood learned from their mistake.
The top five most anticipated new release movies are packed with action, beautiful women and Robert Downey Jr.
He's in two of the big films this Christmas...
I let you guess which ones.
Without further suspense, here are the five most anticipated films coming out this Christmas season: 1.
Avatar 2.
Sherlock Holmes 3.
Toy Story 3 4.
The Wolfman 5.
Iron Man 2 I can't say which one I'm most excited about, because I don't want my most anticipated to disappoint me.
From the looks of it, however, it looks like it's going to be a good Christmas for movies.
new release movies! That's what I think about.
I mean, in addition to the aforementioned.
You may think that isn't representing the Christmas spirit, but I disagree.
New release movies during Christmas are always of high quality and should, therefore, be anticipated.
Every Christmas, there are a slew of movies that come out that either bomb or explode at the box office.
Last year we had The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
As soon as I saw trailers for this movie, I went and bought the book (or book of short stories containing the short story) by F.
Scott Fitzgerald.
Twenty pages and I put the book down slightly disappointed.
I could have read the short story about twenty times during the duration of the movie.
While it induced in me that consciousness of pathos and did have very profound scenes, it was a little long and melodramatic.
This year it looks like Hollywood learned from their mistake.
The top five most anticipated new release movies are packed with action, beautiful women and Robert Downey Jr.
He's in two of the big films this Christmas...
I let you guess which ones.
Without further suspense, here are the five most anticipated films coming out this Christmas season: 1.
Avatar 2.
Sherlock Holmes 3.
Toy Story 3 4.
The Wolfman 5.
Iron Man 2 I can't say which one I'm most excited about, because I don't want my most anticipated to disappoint me.
From the looks of it, however, it looks like it's going to be a good Christmas for movies.