Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Just One Guy"s Stock Market Opinion

My feelings are definitely mixed when it comes to the world of investing.
On one hand, I truly believe if the average person was taught properly how to begin investing when they are young, people would have a much better quality of life.
If I have one regret about my own investing experience it is that I did not take investing seriously at a young age.
I do feel that if a person takes their time to learn the proper techniques, and can control their emotions and greed they can be very successful investing their money.
On the other hand, I feel that investing brings out the worst in some people causing them to take risk, and hurt not only themselves but their families as well.
Too many people, in my opinion, simply do not understand the risk involved when they invest in the stock market.
I think in this day and age easy access to online trading accounts has turned the stock market into more of a gambling environment, where get rich quick fantasies run wild.
I also believe that there are many unethical Wall Street investors who prey on the get rich quick dreams of small investors.
There is simply too much behind the scenes action going on with large investors and corporations that make it hard for the individual investors to compete fairly day-to-day.
With all that being said, in the long run investing is better for everyone that goes about it wisely.
If you put in the time to learn the ins and outs of the markets you can be successful.
I just feel the playing field could be better controlled so that the large Wall Street investors cannot have the upper hand on the small individual investors.
Will this ever happen?I highly doubt it because we live in a power driven society, where the top 1% of wage earners are in control.
For more information please visit: www.
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