- Ankle swelling happens for a number of reasons. Your swollen ankle may be a symptom of an underlying condition and should be checked by a physician. Your ankle is made up of tissues, tough elastic bands called ligaments, tendons and bone. Injury to any of these parts can cause your ankle to swell. Water retention causes the tissue to swell around your ankle. Bone, ligament or tendon sprains are painful and cause the surrounding tissue to swell. Stress or sprain to any part of your ankle can also result in swelling.
- Sprained ankles are common and could occur from a simple misstep. If stretched beyond their range of motion, ligaments in our ankles can tear and swell. If your ankle is swollen, hurting and bruised, you could have a sprained ankle. Severe pain could mean a broken ankle.
- Edema is defined as swelling in tissues of the body. Edema in the ankles is caused by excess fluid or water getting pulled down into the ankles by gravity. If your ankles are swollen and the surrounding skin is stretched, puffy and tender, you could be retaining fluids. Mild edema can be caused by sitting too long or eating too much. During pregnancy, fluid retention is normal. Most pregnant women experience mild edema. According to the Mayo Clinic, exercises, elevating your feet and massage can help relieve edema, but first discuss any self-care with your doctor.
Severe or chronic edema is a symptom of congestive heart failure, liver cirrhosis, kidney disease and lymphatic system problems. - Gout is a form of arthritis. Marked by severe pain, redness and swelling, gout occurs suddenly without warning---typically at night. If your ankle is red, hot, burning, swollen and painful to the touch, you could have gout. Gout is not contagious and is treatable. It is caused by too much uric acid in your blood. An episode of gout may last 5 to 10 days, and the pain should decrease day by day. If you are suffering from recurring bouts of gout, medication may be necessary. According to the Mayo Clinic, you should report gout-like symptoms to your doctor immediately. Treatment for gout is chosen based on your current health and personal preferences.