- Because the work of actresses is so unpredictable and jobs usually cannot provide a consistent yearly salary, it is better to view the pay range for actresses as hourly rates. A typical actress who works part time in television, radio, TV, film or theater may make as little as $7.98 per hour, based on 2009 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This figure represents the lowest 10th percentile of earners. Actresses fortunate enough to be part of the 90th percentile of earners receive $74.44.
- Even though most actresses don't earn the more-than $75 per hour salary, some actresses hit it big, becoming household names. These actresses may pull in several million dollars for a single job. For example, in 2010, as reported by Forbes, actress Sandra Bullock earned $56 million, Reese Witherspoon and Cameron Diaz took in $32 million and Jennifer Aniston took in $27 million.
- Actresses often are members of supporting organizations such as the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA). Members of these two groups enjoy a joint agreement that guarantees a daily rate of $782 for those with speaking roles. This stabilizes the pay range for the industry somewhat. Such guarantees are the minimum---actresses may negotiate for higher rates. Additionally, guarantees of pay have to be taken somewhat lightly, simply because an actress does not work consistently. If an actress can't find another gig for a month, for example, the minimum guaranteed may not cover regular expenses.
- The salary range for actresses depends on factors such as the production budget allowed, the theater or venue used, how many performances the actress gives, the actress's ability to network and whether the actress is comfortable working across genres (Broadway theater, voice-overs, film, etc.). Because pay is so unpredictable, most actresses only act part time, earning the majority of their income in other jobs. Actresses also have to consider the fact that there are always aspiring newcomers to the industry---many directors look for actresses who are young, thin and beautiful. As an actress ages, she must change what roles she takes for this reason. This doesn't mean an actress cannot continue her success for a lifetime. Betty White is an example of a senior actress who, as of 2011, is still landing major roles and earning good pay. It simply means that actresses must be as adaptable to the industry as they are to their individual roles.
Typical Range
Top Salaries
Supporting Organizations