Gay, Lesbian Relapse Prevention Planning When you decided to quit drinking and using other drugs, you took the first step towards recovery.
This step was the beginning of an important change in your life.
You may have expected all your problems to go away when you quit, but somehow many problems are still with you.
Recovery is building a new life, and like any major change it takes time.
It also involves dealing with mixed feelings.
One moment you can feel good about your recovery from drug addiction and the next you can feel sad to leave old friends and habits behind.
It can be confusing.
It can even make you doubt your commitment to this new direction that you know in your heart is right for you.
Relapse prevention planning can help.
In fact, relapse prevention planning can make all the difference in the world.
By thinking ahead and by working out ways to handle the pressures that might lead you back to your alcoholism or drug abuse, you can approach your new life with a greater sense of confidence.
Relapse prevention planning is planning for success and long term recovery.
For the gay or lesbian, relapse prevention planning is almost thesame as for the heterosexual.
Relapse prevention planning is based on the experiences and successes of many people just like you who have already traveled the road to recovery.
It recognizes that the road often has many rough patches, and that to succeed on this road you will need a relapse prevention plan.
Recovery and Relapse PreventionYour alcohol addiction or drug addiction probably caused you many problems - at home, at work, with the law.
Still, you may have been afraid to face everyday life without them.
That is why your decision to stop was so difficult and important.
Recovery involves finding new ways of taking care of yourself, and new ways of acting with friends, with family, and at work.
It also involves avoiding relapse - falling back into your habits of alcoho abuse or drug abuse to deal with problems and stress.
You can stay on top of your recovery by setting goals in important areas of your life and by working towards these goals.
You will need to plan to achieve your goals in each of your major life areas (such as your physical and emotional health, your relationships, your job, your recreation and your relaxation).
Reaching these goals is a matter of making it happen rather than just wishing it will happen.
It is a matter of creating a set of plans for yourself to deal with situations that may interfere with your recovery.
Old ways of behaving need to be replaced with new carefully planned actions.
What Is Relapse for Gay Men and Lesbians? Relapse is a process that begins when you start slipping back into old patterns of behavior and thoughts and relapse ends when you take your first drink or drug.
Some things that can lead to relapse include: · feeling that you have the problem under control and can drink socially · not working out stresses and problems at home, work or school· not handling negative feelings such as boredom, loneliness or anger · discontinuing attending support groups · discontinuing attending your aftercare addiction treatment If you are looking for a gay friendly relapse prevention program, gay drug rehab or gay alcohol rehab, please go to www.
This step was the beginning of an important change in your life.
You may have expected all your problems to go away when you quit, but somehow many problems are still with you.
Recovery is building a new life, and like any major change it takes time.
It also involves dealing with mixed feelings.
One moment you can feel good about your recovery from drug addiction and the next you can feel sad to leave old friends and habits behind.
It can be confusing.
It can even make you doubt your commitment to this new direction that you know in your heart is right for you.
Relapse prevention planning can help.
In fact, relapse prevention planning can make all the difference in the world.
By thinking ahead and by working out ways to handle the pressures that might lead you back to your alcoholism or drug abuse, you can approach your new life with a greater sense of confidence.
Relapse prevention planning is planning for success and long term recovery.
For the gay or lesbian, relapse prevention planning is almost thesame as for the heterosexual.
Relapse prevention planning is based on the experiences and successes of many people just like you who have already traveled the road to recovery.
It recognizes that the road often has many rough patches, and that to succeed on this road you will need a relapse prevention plan.
Recovery and Relapse PreventionYour alcohol addiction or drug addiction probably caused you many problems - at home, at work, with the law.
Still, you may have been afraid to face everyday life without them.
That is why your decision to stop was so difficult and important.
Recovery involves finding new ways of taking care of yourself, and new ways of acting with friends, with family, and at work.
It also involves avoiding relapse - falling back into your habits of alcoho abuse or drug abuse to deal with problems and stress.
You can stay on top of your recovery by setting goals in important areas of your life and by working towards these goals.
You will need to plan to achieve your goals in each of your major life areas (such as your physical and emotional health, your relationships, your job, your recreation and your relaxation).
Reaching these goals is a matter of making it happen rather than just wishing it will happen.
It is a matter of creating a set of plans for yourself to deal with situations that may interfere with your recovery.
Old ways of behaving need to be replaced with new carefully planned actions.
What Is Relapse for Gay Men and Lesbians? Relapse is a process that begins when you start slipping back into old patterns of behavior and thoughts and relapse ends when you take your first drink or drug.
Some things that can lead to relapse include: · feeling that you have the problem under control and can drink socially · not working out stresses and problems at home, work or school· not handling negative feelings such as boredom, loneliness or anger · discontinuing attending support groups · discontinuing attending your aftercare addiction treatment If you are looking for a gay friendly relapse prevention program, gay drug rehab or gay alcohol rehab, please go to www.