- 1). Create a collage using a free copy of Photo Pos Pros (see References). The "Collage" wizard in Photo Pos Pros (File> New> Collage), lets you create a photo collage from images stored on your computer. Photo Pos Pros features several templates for organizing your images into collages, and you can find more free templates online at the utility's homepage (see Resources). And once you load a template, all that's left to do is replace the images in the template with your own.
- 2). Use Google's free photo editor, Picasa, to create a collage (see References). Picasa's "Picture Collage" option--located under the "Create" heading--allows you to organize your photos into one of Picasa's several sleek collage formats, like "Picture Pile," "Frame Mosaic," and "Multiple Exposure." Picasa features 10 different collage dimension profiles, along with the option to enter custom dimensions. Picasa also features several border options, and gives you the option to use an image or a solid color as the collage's background.
- 3). Create a collage online with the help of Big Huge Lab's web-based Mosaic Maker utility (see References). The web based-photo editor let's you upload pictures from a variety of sources, such as Facebook accounts, Flicr accounts, web addresses and from your hard drive. Mosaic Maker supports up to 36 images and features seven different layout types for your collage. After you've generated your collage you can share it on social networking sites, have sent to an email address or simply save it to your computer.