• Irish Holdem, a hybrid of Omaha Hold Em and stud poker, allows up to 11 player to participate at a time. However it is seen that the best range to play Irish poker is with six to about eight players. So, it is seen that it allows quite a number of people to play at a time. It is an excellent opportunity for those who love to be a part of lot of betting and would like to experiment with excellent strategies.
• Four face down cards are to be dealt out. Each and every player is allowed to look at their cards only when all their cards have received their cards and they are placed face down on the table. It must be taken care of that no player should be allowed to look into their cards until and unless each and every player on the table has received their cards.
• It must be made very clear to the players that they are supposed to place 2 hole cards when the last 5-card poker hand is completed. The truth is that 2 cards have to be placed, neither more nor less. No one can place any other number of cards. The other way round you can say that 2 hole cards can be used along with 3 community cards from the center table when you are to inform about the final poker hand.
• It is time to conduct the first round of betting. The player seated on the left side of the dealer is the first one to start wagering. And thus starts the first round of betting.
• Now just deal 3 cards face up at the table center. Similar to Omaha Hold Em as well as Texas Hold Em, these cards are also known as 'flop.' These three cards can be used by any of the players at the end of the game to form their hands.
• It is time now for all the players to discard their hole cards. And this must be done by all at the same time. The remaining two hole cards are to be used in their final hands. Here Irish Poker draws similarity with the stud poker.
• Now, similarly start conducting the second round of betting. The player sitting two place left of dealer starts this round. This process continues and finally the winner of the Irish poker is determined.
• Four face down cards are to be dealt out. Each and every player is allowed to look at their cards only when all their cards have received their cards and they are placed face down on the table. It must be taken care of that no player should be allowed to look into their cards until and unless each and every player on the table has received their cards.
• It must be made very clear to the players that they are supposed to place 2 hole cards when the last 5-card poker hand is completed. The truth is that 2 cards have to be placed, neither more nor less. No one can place any other number of cards. The other way round you can say that 2 hole cards can be used along with 3 community cards from the center table when you are to inform about the final poker hand.
• It is time to conduct the first round of betting. The player seated on the left side of the dealer is the first one to start wagering. And thus starts the first round of betting.
• Now just deal 3 cards face up at the table center. Similar to Omaha Hold Em as well as Texas Hold Em, these cards are also known as 'flop.' These three cards can be used by any of the players at the end of the game to form their hands.
• It is time now for all the players to discard their hole cards. And this must be done by all at the same time. The remaining two hole cards are to be used in their final hands. Here Irish Poker draws similarity with the stud poker.
• Now, similarly start conducting the second round of betting. The player sitting two place left of dealer starts this round. This process continues and finally the winner of the Irish poker is determined.