Business & Finance Outsourcing

How to Effectively Communicate With Your VA

Communication is the key to a successful relationship with your VA.
Done right, it can become a powerful working relationship, done wrong, it can end in devastation.
This is why it's very important to invest some extra time at the start of the relationship to ensure its success.
The first step in creating open and regular dialogue/communication with your VA is during the interview process, discuss how you like to communicate with your team members and make sure that they are fine with your style.
If you like to communicate by phone and the VA prefers to email, you are probably not a fit! The following tips will ensure that you start with and continue to have an open communication plan with your VA so misunderstandings don't happen! Remember communication is a two way street.
Communication - Decide how you would prefer to communicate with your VA and find a VA who likes to communicate that way also - phone, email, IM, Skype.
Task details - Be very clear when it comes to the details of the task - What exactly is the task? What is the objective of the task When do you need it completed by? How would you like the VA to complete the task? What is your expected outcome? Detailed - Be as detailed as possible in the beginning until your VA understands the way you like things done.
This can be done in the way of a short video tutorial or create a manual if you are planning to build a virtual team.
Expectations - Let your VA know what the end result is.
Are you hoping to make an eBook out of the articles they are putting together, or what exactly is the research for that your VA is currently working on? It makes it so much easier for the VA when they know what the end goal is.
Be respectful - Be aware that your VA has other clients.
Don't expect them to reply to an email 5 minutes after you have sent one.
This is something you should have discussed in the interview process and stick to it.
If they normally get back to you within 1 day, leave it a day, if it is something urgent, note that in the subject line but don't make a habit of it.
Responding - if your VA is working on an important task for you, check your email more frequently in case they have questions for you.
Weekly Calls - if you are working with a VA on a regular basis, set up a weekly call with them to check in and see how things are progressing, if you are working less with them, a monthly call will probably do.
Taking the time early in your business relationship to set up the guidelines for how your communication will progress will make all the difference in your success as business partners.
It is not only worthwhile, it is critical to your business.
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