Business & Finance Corporations

Growing Your Business As Big As You Can Dream!

So now, you've started your business.
You've got your business plan, financing and first clients.
All the bugs are worked out, and things are going smoothly.
Now is the time to think and plan, "How can I capitalize on this success? How can I take this business to the next level?" Taking your business up a level is very possible.
In fact, there are 5 levels you can take your business to.
The first level is where you are at now-your core business.
You are either an expert at what you do, or you have an expert mentor that you can call upon when needed.
You have knowledge and skills.
Find ways, or create ways to distribute that knowledge.
Multiply yourself.
Write down how you do everything in your business.
At this level, this could be a training manual, but on later levels, it can be the foundation of a licensee or franchisee operation.
The second level expands on the first.
Now you will teach your expertise to others.
You have established yourself as an expert in your field.
Share your expertise as an author or public speaker, or perhaps you can do a teleconference or seminar.
Think about doing a newsletter, or one-on-one coaching or consulting.
What about a video series? The same information can be packaged many ways: PDF report, e-book, video series, teleconference with transcribed notes and power points, MP3 or MP4, seminar.
People learn in different ways, so the more formats you can put your information into, the more sales you can generate.
At the third level, you teach general success principles.
You know how to set goals and motivate yourself and your employees.
You have leadership and time-management skills.
You are successful at marketing, advertising and financial strategies.
Now, you target a general audience, and you teach them general skills.
Take your business-specific skills and generalize them.
In level four, your focus changes.
You should now have a large list of people that pay money to attend a seminar or buy a video series.
You can monetize this list by renting it to other entrepreneurs.
Use it as a lead-generation tool for other businesses.
Do a joint venture with another product, and mail to your list.
You can direct market to your list yourself.
In level five, your focus changes again, this time to supporting other entrepreneurs with services.
Leverage your expertise gained in the other four levels to help others.
You can offer or refer to print services, copywriters, A/V production or editorial services.
You can produce infomercials for others.
All the services you have used or are aware of can be used to support others at the levels below you.
From the first level to the fifth, each level encompasses a larger group of people than the level below it.
Each level moves from specific experience to general knowledge.
And each level should increase your income.
You should be able to grow your small business int a multimillion dollar enterprise!
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