Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

New Federal Skilled Worker Program Processing Time

The Federal Skilled programme is mainly for immigrants to Canada who are selected for permanent residence based on their abilities to become economically established in Canada. The applications for the programme are assessed for eligibility according to the criteria listed. The processing of these applications goes under certain points:
  • This includes the results of official language proficiency test.
  • The spreading offers of employment under various categories.
  • A year programme which includes full-time paid work experience according to the job lists.

The focus is mainly up on the young skilled workers to work in Canada who are to contribute lengthily to economic growth of the country. This added to improve the processing time for the latest programs listed in the Federal skilled workers by emphasizing to certain issues like:
  • Language was made the important selection factor.
  • The young immigrants were kept at majority for job.
  • Increasing number in work experience to get employed in Canada.
  • Education also needed to reside in Canada. Higher education was in increasing number.

There are 35 new occupations made eligible. They include popular jobs in finance, nursing, health services, and management. The current processing of the scheme included that the individuals who applied to the previous schemes of Federal skilled programme had returned due to some issues, may apply again if they continue to meet the eligibility criteria. The way of selection and eligibility didn't changed. The scoring system to be selected remains the same for permanent residency. The points are decided over key sections like: language skills, education, work experience, age and adaptability to Canada. The languages include the ability to speak, write, listen and read. The processing of the programme also can count up on part-time work experience towards their work requirement. They are paid on the same and get eligibility for exercising it. The decisions are made in a proper time-frame when the applications are posted. The Canadian Government has expressed its intention to bring up the processing under one year. They are considered as highly changes to increase the number of candidates, from larger pool of occupations to get successfully into their own interested job options. A maximum number of applications have been increased from last year's programme. Although here have been limited approval for the applications, still there have been a larger growth in apply to them. The applications are filled from all over the world who is non-Canadians. The service verifies that full-time, permanent job is legitimate. These applications require cooperation of Canada making job offers.

The processing time also deals with Canada permanent residency programs once a job offer has been received from a Canadian employer. Hence, this programme has been made for positive citizenship and immigration measures. The processing time in this scheme also highlights to the passports and visa issues. Due to unavailability to some visas the applications tend to block in numbers in past years. With these blockings, along with certain other factors resulted in decreasing of applicants.
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