For those of us who are trying to lose weight, saying no to our favorite sweets may be rather difficult.
Whenever we have a tough day or uncontrollable cravings we might ask ourselves whether there is anything we can consume which won't completely sabotage our diet.
In this article I will provide a few tips on how to calm our cravings without the intake of countless calories.
Everything from cookies to chocolate filled trail mix is available in healthy weight loss portions.
However, if you feel like you experience these cravings a little too often, you should try an all natural appetite suppressant the instant your cravings occur.
Some of the best diet pills are made solely from the plant known as Hoodia Gordonii.
So if you want to lose weight [http://www.
com] and still consume certain treats, there are various healthy alternatives available.
The first step is making the change!
Whenever we have a tough day or uncontrollable cravings we might ask ourselves whether there is anything we can consume which won't completely sabotage our diet.
In this article I will provide a few tips on how to calm our cravings without the intake of countless calories.
- M&M's.
A 1 oz portion of this delicious treat is only 140 calories. - ½ a cup of Haagen -Dazs chocolate sorbet (only 120 calories and no fat!)
- A ½ cup serving of chocolate mousse.
You can even prepare your own instant chocolate pudding with 1 % milk and low fat whipped topping. - Make your own hot chocolate with fat free milk and chocolate syrup.
- 7 Hershey's kisses are just 175 calories.
- Make your own low fat mocha with chocolate flavored coffee, 1 % milk and a whisk.
- At 150 calories per 3, low fat chocolate chip cookies are a favorite for many people.
- One chocolate truffle.
With its intense flavor, a truffle has the ability to instantly satisfy your craving!
Everything from cookies to chocolate filled trail mix is available in healthy weight loss portions.
However, if you feel like you experience these cravings a little too often, you should try an all natural appetite suppressant the instant your cravings occur.
Some of the best diet pills are made solely from the plant known as Hoodia Gordonii.
So if you want to lose weight [http://www.
com] and still consume certain treats, there are various healthy alternatives available.
The first step is making the change!