- Many kinds of cheese contain mold as part of the manufacturing process such as bleu cheese. Cheese tends to develop mold fairly quickly, and it can branch into the block interior without being immediately visible.
- Mushrooms and yeast are part of the fungi family, which also includes mold. You might need to avoid foods with large amounts of yeast such as beer and certain types of bread.
- Processed fruit substances commonly are made from fruit that is not fresh. You might want to avoid dried fruits such as prunes and raisins, as well as canned fruit juice.
- Fermented foods also can cause problems for people with a mold allergy. These include vinegar, and foods containing vinegar such as pickles and salad dressing. Additionally, sauerkraut, pickled meats and vegetables, and wine should be avoided.
- Other possible mold sources include hot dogs, sausages, smoked meats, any meat or fish more than a day old, soy sauce, sour cream, and buttermilk.
Mushrooms and Yeast
Fermented Foods
Additional Foods to Avoid