Video Transcript
Hey, my name¡¯s Zach. And I wanted to talk to you a little bit about the disadvantages from Paint. Now Paint is a product that comes standard with operating systems of Microsoft. Now if I open up paint you can do some pretty cool things with it. You can draw like a circle, and let's say triangle, and let's turn it into a face. And make a smile and a nose. So there's a face. But let's say you're used to Photoshop. Let's go into the layers and erase them. But you can't select any of the layers once you drop them. In fact there aren't any layers at all. That's a huge disadvantage of Paint. Also when it comes to text you can click and type text but the second you select off of it, all it's going to do is make another text bubble. And I can't edit this one up here. So once you place an item in Paint unfortunately you're stuck with it. So those are a couple disadvantages in Paint. If you want something that's a little bit heavier of software and you still want it for free? Try something out called Gimp. It's more like Photoshop and there actually is a history so you can back up your process and have layers like Photoshop. My name¡¯s Zach and I just showed you the disadvantages of Paint, thanks for watching.