If your child has lice, you may want to cure it with home remedies before using any treatment shampoos which may prove to be too harsh.
Lice are actually difficult to catch for two reasons: They move very quickly and are difficult to see through the hair shaft as they are opaque and have a tendency to match the hair color.
While it is difficult to spot live lice on the hair, it is easy to spot their eggs, which are white or yellowish in color.
It is embarrassing and uncomfortable to have lice, no matter your age, so it's best to remove them as soon as you see them.
It usually takes 7 days for the eggs to hatch and another week or so to become adults, at which time more eggs are produced.
So altogether, you have a week or so to get rid of lice before they multiply.
One of the most popular and effective home remedies for head lice is the olive oil treatment.
To actually remove lice, you must regularly search through the scalp looking for the eggs and/or live lice, all the while using a fine-tooth comb to pull them free of the hair shaft.
Using olive oil on a lice-affected scalp works two ways: the oil smothers and kills live lice, and it also helps to remove the eggs from the hair shaft with the nit comb.
Olive oil's effectiveness lies in the fact that it's more difficult for lice to survive and move around in the oil, making them easier to catch.
In addition, the scalp is not negatively affected since olive oil is mild and harmless.
Olive oil aids in the removal of the eggs without having to constantly pull and tug on your child's hair, as well as acts as a soothing agent for the irritation caused by the lice.
Try to avoid scratching the scalp, as this will irritate your scalp further.
Start by massaging the olive oil into the hair liberally and spread it throughout, making sure to cover the entire head.
Sure, it can be messy, but it saves you time from manually removing the lice one by one.
Cover the head with a shower cap and leave on overnight.
The next day, rinse out the oil.
In doing so, the lice and eggs will stick to the oil, so you are actually removing the oil, the lice and the eggs all at the same time.
The olive oil treatment is easy, convenient and, most of all, safe, making this your best choice in eliminating lice.
Lice are actually difficult to catch for two reasons: They move very quickly and are difficult to see through the hair shaft as they are opaque and have a tendency to match the hair color.
While it is difficult to spot live lice on the hair, it is easy to spot their eggs, which are white or yellowish in color.
It is embarrassing and uncomfortable to have lice, no matter your age, so it's best to remove them as soon as you see them.
It usually takes 7 days for the eggs to hatch and another week or so to become adults, at which time more eggs are produced.
So altogether, you have a week or so to get rid of lice before they multiply.
One of the most popular and effective home remedies for head lice is the olive oil treatment.
To actually remove lice, you must regularly search through the scalp looking for the eggs and/or live lice, all the while using a fine-tooth comb to pull them free of the hair shaft.
Using olive oil on a lice-affected scalp works two ways: the oil smothers and kills live lice, and it also helps to remove the eggs from the hair shaft with the nit comb.
Olive oil's effectiveness lies in the fact that it's more difficult for lice to survive and move around in the oil, making them easier to catch.
In addition, the scalp is not negatively affected since olive oil is mild and harmless.
Olive oil aids in the removal of the eggs without having to constantly pull and tug on your child's hair, as well as acts as a soothing agent for the irritation caused by the lice.
Try to avoid scratching the scalp, as this will irritate your scalp further.
Start by massaging the olive oil into the hair liberally and spread it throughout, making sure to cover the entire head.
Sure, it can be messy, but it saves you time from manually removing the lice one by one.
Cover the head with a shower cap and leave on overnight.
The next day, rinse out the oil.
In doing so, the lice and eggs will stick to the oil, so you are actually removing the oil, the lice and the eggs all at the same time.
The olive oil treatment is easy, convenient and, most of all, safe, making this your best choice in eliminating lice.