Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

Immigration Green Card - The Truth About an Immigration Green Card

When you want to live and work in the United States on a permanent basis you need an immigration green card.
In the U.
anyone coming from a foreign country is said to be an "alien" unless they have this green card.
If something happens when you are in the U.
and you do not have this card you can be in serious trouble.
Within five years after you obtain immigration green card you can apply to become a true citizen of the U.
if this is something you want to do.
This will involved studying many things about the U.
and then taking a test of your knowledge.
This also means that you will have to live within the country for most of the time that you have your permanent resident status.
It is important to note that a lot of people will say that you only have to live in the U.
once a year if you want to keep your green card.
However, the immigration green card says that you have to be in the country for the entire time.
If you go back to your country, you must return to the U.
within six months if you want to keep your green card.
An immigration green card can be difficult to get and it can take several years before you get it.
Because of this many people decide to apply through the Green Card Lottery.
Although the Lottery happens every year, it takes about three years before you get into it.
As an example, those people who apply in 2009 will actually get to come into the country in 2011.
The green card does eliminate a lot of the red tape that you may have to go through if you were to go for the green card in the traditional ways.
There are only 50,000 people from several different countries that are allowed to get into the United States each year through the Green Card Lottery.
This is a significant number but you will have to be from one of the many countries that the law allows.
If you are thinking about this option make sure you have a good reason for coming to the United States so you will have a reason to wait.
Many people come to the United States because they can see a better opportunity for them and their families.
Some bring their other family members after they have been in the U.
for awhile.
Other people come because they have an employer that needs their expertise and they take advantage of a job.
There are many fees associated with the immigration green card and these fees must be paid throughout the process.
The USCIS will have several checkpoints that they will go through in the process of granting your green card to make sure that all the documents they need are in order.
Some people wonder why there is an emphasis to become a U.
citizen after an immigration green card has been received.
Many people do this because it allows them to gain all the privileges that every American citizen receives.
As an example, a person who becomes a citizen now has a right to vote in any election.
They have a world of opportunity opened up to them in the job department because they can now apply for jobs within the government.
They can also have an American passport when they are traveling so it will be easier to get back into the country.
It is a good idea to be well informed about all the benefits you will receive.
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