Technology Games

The 7 Deadly Skills of the Aion Assassin

There are 7 Aion Assassin skills that define this class, and to become proficient with as an Assassin you will need to know them well. They are listed, in no particular order.

Now You See Me, Now You Don't.

Stealth, or in Aion's term, Hide, is the defining characteristic of the Assassin. It gets basic one at level 5 and the more advanced one at 34. Learn the limitations of the detection range. In PvP you should away from the main combat, and sneaking up on the casters and healers giving your melee classes hell.

Hey Man, It's all Just Psychedelic Patterns.

Signet Patterns are the most difficult to grasp but are very rewards once mastered. The more signet patterns on a target, the greater the effect will be. Remember that signets patterns augment signet patterns applied by other assassins. So find an Assassin partner, and tag team opponents to bring them down very very quickly.

Assassins Do it from Behind!

You should always attack from behind when possible with the backstab skill, Surprise Attack and Weakening Blow. Not only do they do more damage but they also add extra bonuses. Again use you stealth skill to sneak up behind your enemy and wait for the right opportunity to attack.

Stun Lock the Sucker.

The Assassin has the most number of stun skills in the game, totalling seven. With all these stuns, the Assassin can effectually stun lock a target. Which means that the target is constantly immobilise, meaning they cannot move, effectively leaving them open to a number of devastating attacks, especially as the Assassin should now easily be able to manoeuvre themselves behind the target and issue some backstab attacks.

There's no Anti-Venom for That.

There are two poisons for an Assassin Apply Poison and Apply Deadly Poison. Applying poison gives damage over time effects and bonuses with some attacks. In addition the target cannot initiate flight if they are poisoned. Which means that the chances of them running away is reduced. So always use poison if your out on the prowl.

Your Just in Slow Motion To Me.

Assassins are not blessed with great armour, leather being only above cloth in terms of resilience. Instead they rely on avoiding attacks, rather than absorbing blows. Though not very important in PvE, as the main tank will be the one being attacked, but in PvP and of course solo leveling you will need to stock up on some evasion gear.

Not One, But Two.

Assassins can dual wield. But what are the best weapons to use? The consensus seems to that have the dagger in the main hand and a sword in the off hand. This combo allows better dps with normal and critical damage. If swords are in short supply the next best combo is daggers in both hands.

The sheer depth of the Aion Assassin skills, makes it difficult to cover every aspect of the Assassin in one webpage. Instead the Aion Assassin Guide eBook at should have all the information you need to play this deadly class to it's full potential.
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