Health & Medical Hearing

Loud Music and Temporary Hearing Loss

If you have ever listened to music too loudly as a child, then chances are you may have heard your parents tell you "you'll go deaf" by having the turned up to loudly.
Well, they were right.
You can suffer from temporary and permanent hearing loss by repeatedly listening to loud music.
If you or someone you know suffers from hearing impairment, then that means the mechanism inside an ear has been injured.
Those that suffer from hearing loss may not recognize their hearing isn't what it once was.
Often times the problem is not detected until a friend of family member points out some obvious symptoms.
If you find yourself asking people to repeat themselves or are in the habit of turning the TV volume up so much that someone else needs comments on how loud the TV is, then you could suffering from some loss of hearing.
Temporary Hearing Loss Temporary hearing impairment can happen after you have been exposed to loud music or noise for an extended period of time.
Losing your hearing temporarily is just that; temporary.
You will not be able to hear as well as you are used to until a period of time has passed.
If you are experiencing a ringing in your ears, also known as, tinnitus, then that too is a form of temporary hearing impairment.
If you experience enough temporary loss of hearing in one or both ears, you could eventually experience some permanent hearing loss.
Permanent Hearing Loss A person who is exposed to loud music or noise continuously (every day), then they could experience permanent hearing loss.
Permanent hearing loss is hearing that will not return.
Wearing the proper ear protection is very important for those who work on jobs that create a lot of noise (construction, concerts, factory workers, etc.
) What You Can Do There are a number of things you can do to prevent or lower your risk of temporary or permanent loss of hearing.
The first thing you should consider is avoiding areas that provide loud noises such as concerts.
If you do attend a concert, consider wearing ear protection like ear plugs.
It would also be a good idea to simply turn down the volume when you're listening to music, especially if you are using headphones.
Listening to music in tight quarters is another place where you should be conscience of the volume level.
This includes listening to music in your car.
Foam ear plugs are great solutions that are discreet and comfortable.
Talk to a hearing specialist about any concerns you may have about losing your hearing.
If you think you might be suffering from a permanent loss of hearing, ask about some of the hearing aid options that are on the market.
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