If you want to pick up beautiful women, you've got to make your approaches more efficient. Otherwise you're wasting your precious time at the venue. One of the best ways to do this is to set small goals every time you go out. This keeps you from going to the club and just hanging out with friends instead of making approaches.
Before you go out, always set a number of approaches. In my case, before I go out to the bar, I decide to do six approaches. Six isn't that many, but my approaches go long. The point is that I don't want to sit there with one girl all night. I want to make sure I talk to at least six girls, and that's not including my warm up approaches. I might to three of those, so that's a total of nine.
Nine is not that many for one night. Lots of guys go for something like twelve or more. What if twelve approaches totally wrecks a place? If so, go to another place. Get another ten approaches into your night if you can. Get all of those wrecking approaches out of your system as soon as possible.
If you've wrecked the place and it's 12:30, head to another place and get a few more approaches in. But the whole point is to set small goals every time. Make sure you get that number of approaches you decided on at the beginning of the night.
Another thing about setting small goals is that it's good to work on one sticking point at a time. Don't try to tackle everything all at once. I have one basic goal for the night but I might also work on a few other things as well. One reason why it's good to stick to only one thing is that it gets hard to remember if you're trying to tackle too many things each night. Another idea for a goal is something like talking to each girl for at least five minutes or until they walk away.
You should also set weekly and monthly goals. It's not just about what you're going to accomplish tonight. Setting small goals is the best way to learn how to pick up beautiful women and work on your approaches. You need to make lots of them in order to learn and they've got to be as efficient as possible.
Before you go out, always set a number of approaches. In my case, before I go out to the bar, I decide to do six approaches. Six isn't that many, but my approaches go long. The point is that I don't want to sit there with one girl all night. I want to make sure I talk to at least six girls, and that's not including my warm up approaches. I might to three of those, so that's a total of nine.
Nine is not that many for one night. Lots of guys go for something like twelve or more. What if twelve approaches totally wrecks a place? If so, go to another place. Get another ten approaches into your night if you can. Get all of those wrecking approaches out of your system as soon as possible.
If you've wrecked the place and it's 12:30, head to another place and get a few more approaches in. But the whole point is to set small goals every time. Make sure you get that number of approaches you decided on at the beginning of the night.
Another thing about setting small goals is that it's good to work on one sticking point at a time. Don't try to tackle everything all at once. I have one basic goal for the night but I might also work on a few other things as well. One reason why it's good to stick to only one thing is that it gets hard to remember if you're trying to tackle too many things each night. Another idea for a goal is something like talking to each girl for at least five minutes or until they walk away.
You should also set weekly and monthly goals. It's not just about what you're going to accomplish tonight. Setting small goals is the best way to learn how to pick up beautiful women and work on your approaches. You need to make lots of them in order to learn and they've got to be as efficient as possible.