- 1). First, begin by cleaning your ears using Q-Tips or cotton swabs. If you have an excess amount of earwax, it may contribute to the pressure that you feel when you go swimming or riding in planes. Removing earwax on a daily basis also helps your ears from being clogged.
- 2). Chewing on gum or hard candy is also an effective way of relieving pressure. The goal is to "pop" the ear(s). Pressure tends to develop in the middle ear which causes the Eustachian tube to close. Since the Eustachian tubes help equalize pressure within the ear, activities like yawning and chewing help keep it open to equalize pressure.
- 3). After consulting a doctor, another possible method is to use an anti-histamine nasal spray. Before you spray, point the nozzle towards the neck or ear. After one spray, sniff hard enough to the point where you feel it in the back of the nose. Do not point the nozzle directly to the top of the head as this will clear your sinuses but not your ears.
- 4). To help pop the "ears," pinch your nose and blow gently. This method would be even more effective after using a nasal spray as it would squeeze the medication to the Eustachian tube.