Aquatic physical therapy is a method of therapy which is performed in the water and takes help of the physical properties of water for curing people of their illness. The specialists who provide people with any kind of aquatic physical therapy are known as aquatic physical therapists. The primary functions of aquatic physical therapy are as mentioned below:
•   Flexibility of muscles and body
•   Motion and the gait
•   Relaxation of muscles
•   Body mechanics & stability of posture
•   Agility, balance & coordination
•   Endurance of the body, power & strength in the muscles.
•   Function
A lot of people try to compare aquatic physical therapy and aquatic exercise but, these two are different forms of exercises which take care of different kind of illness which people might be suffering from.
The kind of diseases or illness that aquatic physical therapists take care of is mentioned below:
•   For controlling the weight of patients
•   For someone who has gone through knee replacement.
•   For people who have undergone hip replacement.
•   Anybody who has had a fracture and needs time to recuperate.
•   Any kind of various sports injuries
•   To help people recover from any kind of post surgical recuperation.
•   Arthritis or related bone issues.
•   Any other kind of personal injury that one might have gone through.
One of the most important effects of water or aquatic physical therapy is that it takes advantage of the buoyancy character of water. When the patient is put in water, this character of water helps in controlling the weight of the patient who is made to stay submerged in water. This, in turn, reduces the weight that is put on the various joints, muscles of the body and thus helps in improving the illness that a person might be suffering from.
This therapy also uses the hydro static character of water, which helps by decreasing any kind of swelling or problems with joint position that a patient might be suffering from. This is the reasons behind the fame that aquatic physical therapy has gained over the years.
Today, there might not be a proper institution or a structured course which teaches people to become specialists in this field of medicine but steps are being taken around the world for making people aware of these healing properties of water.
Apart from being a great way to be treated, this therapy is pretty easy on the pocket too. This is so because water is readily available and all one needs to take care of is ensuring that the water is heated to the levels which are prescribed by therapist and experts of this field. That day is not far when this therapy will be used in an extensive manner for treating various kind of diseases and illness that human beings are known to suffer from.
•   Flexibility of muscles and body
•   Motion and the gait
•   Relaxation of muscles
•   Body mechanics & stability of posture
•   Agility, balance & coordination
•   Endurance of the body, power & strength in the muscles.
•   Function
A lot of people try to compare aquatic physical therapy and aquatic exercise but, these two are different forms of exercises which take care of different kind of illness which people might be suffering from.
The kind of diseases or illness that aquatic physical therapists take care of is mentioned below:
•   For controlling the weight of patients
•   For someone who has gone through knee replacement.
•   For people who have undergone hip replacement.
•   Anybody who has had a fracture and needs time to recuperate.
•   Any kind of various sports injuries
•   To help people recover from any kind of post surgical recuperation.
•   Arthritis or related bone issues.
•   Any other kind of personal injury that one might have gone through.
One of the most important effects of water or aquatic physical therapy is that it takes advantage of the buoyancy character of water. When the patient is put in water, this character of water helps in controlling the weight of the patient who is made to stay submerged in water. This, in turn, reduces the weight that is put on the various joints, muscles of the body and thus helps in improving the illness that a person might be suffering from.
This therapy also uses the hydro static character of water, which helps by decreasing any kind of swelling or problems with joint position that a patient might be suffering from. This is the reasons behind the fame that aquatic physical therapy has gained over the years.
Today, there might not be a proper institution or a structured course which teaches people to become specialists in this field of medicine but steps are being taken around the world for making people aware of these healing properties of water.
Apart from being a great way to be treated, this therapy is pretty easy on the pocket too. This is so because water is readily available and all one needs to take care of is ensuring that the water is heated to the levels which are prescribed by therapist and experts of this field. That day is not far when this therapy will be used in an extensive manner for treating various kind of diseases and illness that human beings are known to suffer from.