- 1). Calculate how much money you need to save over the next 20 years to do the steps to become a millionaire.
- 2). Set up a special savings account to accumulate money over the next twenty years.
- 3). Hire a financial advisor to provide you with information about how to invest your money.
- 4). Watch televisions shows and movies that document the lives of millionaires.
- 5). Read books, magazines and internet websites that deal specifically with millionaires.
- 6). Start a blog about your desire to become a millionaire and document how well you are doing.
- 7). Join discussion groups online that will teach and encourage you in your quest to know the steps to become a millionaire.
- 8). Assess how well you are savings at the end of every calendar year.
- 9). Verify that you are on track to become a millionaire by reading your savings statement regularly.
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Remember that the tortoise won the race; not the hare. Save slowly and you will get there.