Video Transcript
We're going to learn how to say, "how are you" in Japanese. Actually to ask how someone is doing is not as common as America. Still you ask the question if you care for your friends. Genki desu ka? Repeat after me, Genki desu ka? Actually, the literal translation is "are you fine"?, "are you good"? We don't really ask, "how are you"? So you are asking, "are you ok"_? , "Are you good'? Genke means good, fine. And Desu Ka, it makes a question. Ok how to answer yes. Usually you want to answer yes. And you can use the exact same sentence without the last ka. Hik genki desu. This one was asking a question, so now it means, "I am fine". Let's practice. I will ask you if you are fine and you will answer me, hik genki desu, ok? Genki desu ka? Your answer is Hik genki desu. Now please ask me if I am doing ok. You would say "genki desu ka"? Yes, and I would say 'hik genki desu".