Business & Finance Corporations

Smart Women Think and Speak in Abundance

A few days ago, I was enjoying a lovely, delicious lunch with my Mom at a small, cozy and quaint restaurant here in Los Angeles.
The tables in this restaurant are very close together and you can get "friendly" with people at the next table.
As my Mom and I were sitting and enjoying our meal, the person at the next table exclaimed, "Gosh, look how empty the place is due to the economy.
" Wow, where did that come from? You may be reading this right now and thinking, "Joy, get your head out of the sand, the economy is bad!" I'm fully aware of what's going on in this economy and the media makes sure of that.
However, being negative or speaking in conversation that leads to what I call "the downward spiral" won't really help, will it? This got me thinking about how Smart Women think and speak in abundance.
When you wake up every day, you always have two choices.
You can choose to think in terms of possibility, gratitude and abundance or have a day filled with doom, gloom and negativity.
That's the beauty of living in a free country, you have a choice.
It's the choices we make that shape our lives.
If you're having difficulty finding something to be positive about given where you might be at this moment or how the current economy has affected you, I invite you to think about three important areas: 1.
Your Health
- How's your health? Are you able to get out of bed every morning on your own, get dressed, feed yourself, exercise, take care of your family? If so, then say a word or two of gratitude.
Whatever state the economy is in, if you have your health, then you have an abundant life and possibilities for your future.
Your Family and Friends
- How are your relationships? This is a big topic in the Women's Success Circles.
Are you surrounding yourself with family and friends who champion you? People who lift you up? People who make you laugh those great big belly laughs? Can you picture in your mind who those people are? I invite you to spend more time with these people.
Limit your time with those who "drain your positive energy.
" This act alone has such a dramatic effect on our mental and physical health.
Your First Amendment
- You live in a country where your thoughts and ideas can be expressed as often as you choose to share them.
There are many parts of the world where women (and children) are living a life with a zero tolerance policy for independent thought and action.
Those environments are negative and punishing to all who live there.
You have a right to choose what you will think, what you will say, what you will do, when you will do it and how.
As I wrote that last sentence, I felt so powerful.
How about you? To be able to do and say anything you want? Isn't that powerful? I think so.
If you have that much power, won't you think about using it in a way that spreads the world with abundant thought and expressions of gratitude? What we think about often becomes our reality.
The images or stories you hold in your mind most often materialize in the results of your life.
The mind is a powerful tool and it can be used to create positive abundance that will attract health, wealth and love or it can be used as a tool that creates a foundation for negativity and ill will.
I'm choosing to hold an image in my mind that embraces health, wealth, and an abundance of love.
What will you choose? Anything is possible.
Everything is waiting for you.
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