As women, we love to cram our feet into shoes that are adorable, but are killers to our toes, the balls of our feet and our heels.
We torture ourselves for the sake of fashion and occasionally end up with an ugly callous, which is formed by friction or pressure to the skin that then hardens and thickens.
A callous can be unsightly and unattractive, but even worse, it can be painful.
As much as women want to wear gorgeous shoes, one way to relieve or treat a callous is to stop wearing shoes that hurt our precious feet.
If you can't bear to part with your favorite shoes that kill your feet, try using insoles that help alleviate the stress and pressure on your feet.
But if you truly want to eliminate that nasty callous, here are some helpful tricks: 1.
Buy good supporting shoes and try to save those uncomfortable shoes for occasions where you won't be standing on your feet too much.
Look for callous cream removers at your local drug store and follow the directions.
In the shower with a wet pumice stone, rub the callous area to remove the dead skin.
Apply foot creams to soften the skin.
You may need to do this twice a day.
Try using a callous file, which can be purchased at your beauty supplier or local drug store.
Never - no, never - cut the callous with a clipper, razor or scissors.
See a podiatrist if the callous gets worse or doesn't go away.
We torture ourselves for the sake of fashion and occasionally end up with an ugly callous, which is formed by friction or pressure to the skin that then hardens and thickens.
A callous can be unsightly and unattractive, but even worse, it can be painful.
As much as women want to wear gorgeous shoes, one way to relieve or treat a callous is to stop wearing shoes that hurt our precious feet.
If you can't bear to part with your favorite shoes that kill your feet, try using insoles that help alleviate the stress and pressure on your feet.
But if you truly want to eliminate that nasty callous, here are some helpful tricks: 1.
Buy good supporting shoes and try to save those uncomfortable shoes for occasions where you won't be standing on your feet too much.
Look for callous cream removers at your local drug store and follow the directions.
In the shower with a wet pumice stone, rub the callous area to remove the dead skin.
Apply foot creams to soften the skin.
You may need to do this twice a day.
Try using a callous file, which can be purchased at your beauty supplier or local drug store.
Never - no, never - cut the callous with a clipper, razor or scissors.
See a podiatrist if the callous gets worse or doesn't go away.