Tag the Posts
1Open your Dashboard, click the "Settings" icon and select "Edit" to bring up your post in edit mode.
Enter a tag in the tag field just below your post, and click "Save Post." The tag field will show the “#” symbol to the left of your tag, for example, "#weather." Click "Close" to leave this edit mode and return to your Dashboard.
Continue tagging each post with the same tag. Each tagged post will eventually sort in chronological order.
Click the avatar or your blog link on your Dashboard to open your blog. Insert a cursor at the end of your blog’s URL address in the URL address bar, and enter /tagged/[Your tag]/chrono", substituting your tag for "Your tag" (without brackets, hash tag or quotation marks). Press "Enter" to sort your posts in chronological order, with the first post at the top and the last post at the bottom. If the posts appear out of order, return to edit mode to correct the tags.
Click "Dashboard" in the header to return to the Dashboard. Your Dashboard posts still display in reverse chronological order.
Page Link
1Click the "Settings" button on the Dashboard header to open the Account page, and then click your blog in the sidebar to open this blog’s settings in the main pane.
Click "Customize" in the Theme section to display a sidebar. Scroll down the sidebar to the Pages section. Click the "Pages" arrow button to expand it, and then click "+Add a Page" to open the Standard Layout window.
Click the "Page URL" field that displays your blog’s URL address and the "/" mark. Enter "tagged/[Your tag]/chrono" to the right of this URL address. The final result should look like "[Blog Name]/[Your tag]/chrono". Your new page will have its own appended URL address.
Click the "Page Title" field and enter a title or short message about this link, such as "Click here for a chronological view." This link text will display on your original blog page.
Click the "Standard Layout" arrow button and select "Redirect." Enter the tag filter link, such as "/tagged/[mytag]". (Not all themes will show the Redirect option for the Page Type section. If yours doesn't, stay with the standard layout.)
Check the "Show a Link to This Page" check box. Click "Create Page," and the "Save Page." Click "Save" on the sidebar and then click "Close" to return to your Dashboard.
Click your blog link to open your blog page with the new link. Click this link to view the new page with the tagged posts in chronological order.