If you want to simplify your finances and free up some money each month for any unexpected costs, then a debt consolidation loan may be the right debt solution for you.
Debt consolidation involves taking out a new loan and using it to pay off all your existing unsecured debts at once, which will leave you with just one debt to repay.
Rather than making multiple monthly payments to multiple creditors, you would make one payment to one creditor until the debt consolidation loan (plus any interest) has been paid off.
There are other benefits a debt consolidation loan could deliver. For example, you may be able to lower your monthly outgoings by repaying the loan more slowly - arranging to spread your repayments out over a longer timeframe.
However, this could lead to you paying more interest in the long run - although this won't necessarily be the case. If you are consolidating debts with a high APR (Annual Percentage Rate), store or credit cards for example, then you may actually save money in interest in the long run by consolidating your debts. This is because the interest rate on your debt consolidation loan may be significantly lower than the interest rates on your 'old' unsecured debts - therefore, the overall amount you repay may be lower. Your debt would be growing for longer, but would be growing more slowly.
Would a debt consolidation loan be suitable for me?
Debt consolidation can help people with several debts who want to make their finances easier to manage, or who want to reduce the amount they need to spend on their debts every month.
It is important to note, however, that debt consolidation loans would not be suitable for everyone. For example, they wouldn't be appropriate for someone who has an unstable income, whose debts are really out of control, or who doesn't think they would be able to repay the consolidation loan within a realistic amount of time.
Debt consolidation involves taking out a new loan and using it to pay off all your existing unsecured debts at once, which will leave you with just one debt to repay.
Rather than making multiple monthly payments to multiple creditors, you would make one payment to one creditor until the debt consolidation loan (plus any interest) has been paid off.
There are other benefits a debt consolidation loan could deliver. For example, you may be able to lower your monthly outgoings by repaying the loan more slowly - arranging to spread your repayments out over a longer timeframe.
However, this could lead to you paying more interest in the long run - although this won't necessarily be the case. If you are consolidating debts with a high APR (Annual Percentage Rate), store or credit cards for example, then you may actually save money in interest in the long run by consolidating your debts. This is because the interest rate on your debt consolidation loan may be significantly lower than the interest rates on your 'old' unsecured debts - therefore, the overall amount you repay may be lower. Your debt would be growing for longer, but would be growing more slowly.
Would a debt consolidation loan be suitable for me?
Debt consolidation can help people with several debts who want to make their finances easier to manage, or who want to reduce the amount they need to spend on their debts every month.
It is important to note, however, that debt consolidation loans would not be suitable for everyone. For example, they wouldn't be appropriate for someone who has an unstable income, whose debts are really out of control, or who doesn't think they would be able to repay the consolidation loan within a realistic amount of time.