You have suffered acne through your teenage years, you bought every product under the sun that promised to cure your acne and to remove your acne scars, but they just didn't work, no after time your acne has faded but the scars still remain.
Most acne sufferers have no idea how to treat their scars, and they don't realise that they can remove their scars from the comfort of their own home.
You can remove the scars by using effective home remedies that'll be sure to work for the most of you.
How do you think acne sufferers managed to remove their scars back in the olden days, it certainly wasn't from all those over the countre products from the local drug store, it was by using household ingredients! Effective Home Remedies For Acne Scar Removal Did you know you can use olive oil to treat your acne scars? Thought not.
Well yes if you rub 100% olive oil onto your acne scars, it will minimize the scars especially if they are quite new scars and it still may help if the scars are old.
It some cases it may even eliminate the scars.
I recommend rubbing olive oil on the scar areas about 4 times a day, keep trying this for around two weeks and you will see a big difference! Vitamin E is also a very good acne scar removal remedy, you can buy Vitamin capsules from your local drug store, and what you do it break the capsule up, and use the oil inside the capsule to rub on your acne scars.
An old home remedy that is not used as much these day, is lemon juice.
What you do is squueze some lemon juice onto a cotton pad and gently massage onto the acne scars.
This will minimize the scars over a period of time and will improve your appearance.
You can find more acne scar removal remedies at StopTheAcne.
Most acne sufferers have no idea how to treat their scars, and they don't realise that they can remove their scars from the comfort of their own home.
You can remove the scars by using effective home remedies that'll be sure to work for the most of you.
How do you think acne sufferers managed to remove their scars back in the olden days, it certainly wasn't from all those over the countre products from the local drug store, it was by using household ingredients! Effective Home Remedies For Acne Scar Removal Did you know you can use olive oil to treat your acne scars? Thought not.
Well yes if you rub 100% olive oil onto your acne scars, it will minimize the scars especially if they are quite new scars and it still may help if the scars are old.
It some cases it may even eliminate the scars.
I recommend rubbing olive oil on the scar areas about 4 times a day, keep trying this for around two weeks and you will see a big difference! Vitamin E is also a very good acne scar removal remedy, you can buy Vitamin capsules from your local drug store, and what you do it break the capsule up, and use the oil inside the capsule to rub on your acne scars.
An old home remedy that is not used as much these day, is lemon juice.
What you do is squueze some lemon juice onto a cotton pad and gently massage onto the acne scars.
This will minimize the scars over a period of time and will improve your appearance.
You can find more acne scar removal remedies at StopTheAcne.